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Gellert Grindelwald(1 / 1)

gellert grindelwald

july 11th, 1956


mister supreme mugwump sir, and of course i heard about that particularmendation—


the rest of our lives, you say forever, you say are we wedded by owl, then am i bound to your sanctimonious pronouncements as permanently as the lichen on my walls the orange spot is bing particularly magnificent. there is green like scales, green like little leaves. they grow unimaginably slowly. my whole life has be glacial. it's been more than ten years, hasn't it more than ten years in one single little room. i thought i'd go mad. maybe i have.


headmaster. bollocks. schweinhund. look at you. look at you, the great albus dumbledore, international mugwump of the grand posh scheisse-swarm, hunching over your new year's ale because you fucked a german boy decades ago and can never love again or some nonsense—and you still blame me for her death, don't you, albus it was an ident, you drunken idiot, an ident, it wasn't me, i swear, i only fled in fear—


and look at me. gellert grindelwald. there was a time when every child in wizarding europe cheered for my name or shrunk from it. there was a time when i cast curses that stripped the leaves from every tree for thirty feet with the mere wind of their passing—there was a time when i was on the verge of establishing, truly establishing, a new world order, a bright new future, and i would have done it for you and me—and here i am, rotting, lonely enough to care what some poncy old british git thinks of me. you must have enjoyed the thought, yes, that i might be haunted by the screams of my victims does that fit your idea of how things work, that i lie awake at night tossing and turning from the ghosts of my past and do you, albus little ariana held you back from hunting me down for years, didn't she


news. news, dumbledore news from this oubliette you left me in four years without a letter—the charms on my watch are holding perfectly well, thank you, i know how long it's been—and then only to brag that you're headmaster [a dark, indecipherable blotch of ink]


it's sweet, really, your bewilderment. you can't understand how i could possibly be angry at you, can you because you mean well, because you approach me in friendship, i couldn't really be upset, now could i just sulking again, right


gertrude is a crazy bitch. what lesson are you trying to teach me what game of yours am i playing in now we already finished one, the one where you spend every day with me, give me your body and your mind, and then blame me for an ident and betray me and leave me to do our work alone and then the next, where you set me upon my path, share my plans, hunt the hallows with me, give me the very words by which i ed my philosophy, and then, at your leisure, when you've watched enough, wander over from england in the name of truth and justice and bat me out of the sky

格特魯德是個發瘋的婊子。你又在試圖給我灌輸什么?現在你又在拿我和你玩什么愚蠢的游戲?我們不是已經結束了那個游戲了嗎,那個我們整天黏在一起,將你的身心全部交付于我,然后又因為一場意外責怪我,背叛我,拋下我獨自一人去完成我們的事業的游戲?然后接下來是什么?你跟隨我的腳步,按照我的計劃,同我一起去尋找圣器,許下 “為了更偉大的利益” 那句對我的信仰舉足輕重的話,然后,等你無聊了,看膩了,在名為真理和正義的英格蘭土地上漫步夠了,就一巴掌把我從天空上拍下來?

you ed me, dumbledore. you ed me and formed me and let me loose in the world. and i think your little brother would agree that you have a habit of ignoring ufortable truths.


but enough about you. let's talk about me, your haunted and broken pet dark lord, your misbegotten experiment, who used to spin sweet spells round your body and smile as you begged him to bugger you and who, i wonder, knows that is that one of those things you must ever hide poor albus.


yes, we go around in circles. here i am back to mocking you until i can barely breathe for anger.


i have a new pen pal, professor dumbledore, aren't you proud never think that you're the only one i write to—god knows if you were, i would've bashed my head out on the wall years ago. and it's lovely, sometimes, to talk to somebody who doesn't disapprove of everything one is, a fellow dark wizard, ambitious with abandon. british boy, very clever, a little stiff, silly made-up name—owled me out of the blue a few years ago looking to talk shop, as you'd say. great mind, but no sense of humor. he seemed rather startled when i mentioned that i knew you.



i told him that you were a user and a hypocrite, and to stay well away from you. of course, he was already frightened of you. you might want to keep an eye out for him though. he could be a dangerous lad. and how could you possibly handle a dark lord who isn't your lapdog


be well uncertain of your decency, albus dumbledore. and gertrude is a crazy bitch.


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