※i knew stark and i didn*t sleep with him,§ violet interjects.
※so tell us why sharon divorced you,§ stephanie shoots back, and his cheeks turn a blotchy pink colour in the exact same way the rest of the steves* do when they*re angry.
※back off,§ he warns.
※oh for god*s sake,§ steve says, finally losing his cool. ※how many of me have slept with tony stark?!§
stephanie raises her hand, exasperated. next to her seven does as well.
that, steve expected.
the rest of the steve*s, not so much.
steve groans, pressing his hand to his forehead as he looks around and sees that over half the god damn room have got their hands up. steve looks over at the raised hands of the steve who drowned and the one with the robotic arm, despairing. some of them look a little embarrassed by their admittance, some look like they*repletely not bothered. a few even look happy, proud. for god*s sake, even shield has his hand raised too, and is looking apologetic.
※seriously?§ he says weakly. ※that many of us?§
steve with the green uniform shrugs, unabashed. ※if it helps, tony was a girl in my universe.§
over in the corner by the door, a steve in navy-shield gear elbowsmander rogers, other hand held up by his ear. ※if what i did counts, what you did counts,§ he says stubbornly. themander groans, pinches the bridge of his nose and half-heartedly raises his hand.
steve starts to laugh, the sound a little hysterical. ※you*ve got to be kidding me.§
he looks up, pressing his palm over his mouth. his eyes scan the group again and he notices that most of the steves that haven*t got their hands up are iterations of him from before the crash, most of them in 1940*s military gear, and of course the couple of steves who never made it to project rebirth.
※we always end up back at tony,§ seven says, sounding a little apologetic.
※is tony anything like howard?§ one of the steves from the war suddenly asks, and steve stares at him as he flushes, crossing his arms across his chest and looking obstinate. ※what?§
※please tell me you didn*t,§ steve asks weakly.
※tell me you never thought about it,§ war-steve retorts.
steve covers his face with hands and officially gives up.
書友正在讀: 老婆大人要改嫁唐思雨邢烈寒 野人老公超會寵 龍城 我的美女警花 超級上門女婿楊烊 獸拳 快穿之拆散那對官配CP 煉體十億重 等風輕吻你 女帝靠美貌在總裁文爆紅 [娛樂圈]我是正經網紅 從四合院開始 師尊她看我的眼神不對勁死對頭弟弟看我的眼神很不對勁 茶藝大師是什么意思 茶藝大師是什么梗 重塑人生三十年 七十年代穿二代 戀你成癮 重回1994做奶爸 招搖 我的美女姐姐 在炫富綜藝當對照組 黃泉禁忌 廢土之上:守望文明 女配她只想上床(快穿) 婚情撩人:狼性總裁嬌寵妻 大明:剛要造反,被封一字并肩王 攤牌了,我是酒劍仙! 斗羅之鎮世斗羅 霸總追妻火葬場顧黎月厲景川全文 總裁閃婚:俏妻撞入懷 從明星到文娛大佬 奸臣他一心向死 惜你如命 彩云追日霞滿天 年代文里的真公主 (重生)石來運轉 見你似驚鴻 穿過來后她被師兄寵上天 主角反派是大佬 美女多作怪 小星愿 絕世唐門里的圣刃 橫推從融合不滅金身開始 冷先生的甜婚指梁以沫冷 偏偏寵愛(sc,1v1,高h) 鬼門煞 我是一只母老虎 緣知薄幸逢應恨 奶味的甜,不及你甜 婚后愛情故事 重生八零福運嬌妻喬玉溪周以澤 我快穿的身份被直播曝光了 地獄無門你偏闖 重回九零她只想致富 蒸汽大明:別再叫我監國了 穿書后我成了偏執主角的白月光 大唐之神仙下凡 龍之飛翔 宮絕吟 君然 超級姑爺簫權 撿到一只草莓味的Omega 閃婚獨寵:豪門老公不經撩 漁夫的秘密 顧盼生姿 渣女改造直播間 穿越之農女成鳳 豪門梟士 中二病該怎么拯救世界 相府嫡女:五毒大小姐 神奇寶貝之超神玩家 悶騷總裁明騷受 在柯學世界做富豪 原來我是修仙高手 歐風不朽 妖勒個去 一蓑煙雨孤燕歸 步步為餌 我以為,你愛我 撿來的老攻是大佬 電競隊長,高危職業? 江山為聘,將門嫡女 迷人小爹 唐家貴小姐 圈寵 穿花蝴蝶 錯亂(偽ABO) 我的百鬼繪卷 重生之風起 醫錦還鄉 偏執太子天天演我 酒廠BOSS賬號在線經營 電梯間有水 [紅樓]但為君故 [快穿]被暗戀的各種姿勢 每天都想跟總裁生崽崽 下擊暴流 都市鬼谷醫仙 農家肥妻有點田 廢土回響者 hp 異類魔咒 甘心媚骨 半島的星辰 從殷商開始的千年世家 贅婿Alpha 團寵:七個哥哥又爆我馬甲 綜漫兔子綱的戀愛 美人如玉 我在深鎮有一千套房 重生為幼龍,全國震驚! 灼魂之血(奈格里之魂) 【太芥】黑手黨的惡犬有了文豪記憶 穿越遲到一萬年,我被迫成為大能 無敵從全職法師開始 重生偏執大佬的小仙女 契婚成真 金絲雀的職業操守(純百/3p) 卿心墨晚 反派不死于話多 蜜戀契約:宋先生高調寵妻付熙宋居寒 鐘籬紀東凌 極限殺戮 極品縣令 傾城佳人 諸天:從王胖子開始 斗羅,武魂干將莫邪,殺穿一切 伏妖 阿兵哥艷遇錄 我有五個神級姐姐 奪天圣訣 萬古神帝之濟天尊 鄉愁 唐末狂人錄 讓你當紈绔,你卻召喚百萬大軍 美貌花瓶深陷修羅場[無限] 我的童話竟是怪談 天然呆與小萌物 離開豪門后,假千金轟動全球 難藏夏日 開局女帝為師,我出師便天下無敵陳長安牧云瑤 此間歡情(NP) 新手也能爆護的頂級誘魚劑 重生蟠桃,被猴子偷聽心聲 乾龍戰天 病嬌大佬的白月光 論背鍋師姐的自我修養 侯爺要上位 [銀魂]總督之絕世好爸 并盛保衛戰 月夜辭