lently, and steve lets him go to hold onto sj more securely.
※take your attack dog and get him out of here,§ seven says, and six-one-eight laughs, the sound twisted and bitter.
※attack dog? look at yourself,§ he says, and there*s something not right in the way he speaks, something loose and bent out of shape. his eyes dart over steve and then back to seven, and steve is still shocked at the sheer contempt in the gaze.
※we*re not here for you two to fight,§ the director says, sounding impatient, and then turns towards steve again, interested and contemplative. ※i*m here for him. what are we calling you?§
※i*m still steve rogers,§ steve says, and he wants to step up in-between seven and shield, but he can*t, not with sj in his arms. ※don*t need a nickname.§
the directors mouth twists, still almost smiling. ※of course,§ he says easily. ※you*re special, aren*t you?§
※yeah, i reckon i am,§ steve replies.
※word is that tony stark killed you,§ six-one-eight calls out. his eyes lock on steve*s and there*s something manic there, unsettling. seven makes another violent move, wrestling against shield*s hands. six-one-eight notices and starts to laugh.
※still hurts, doesn*t it? hearing about your husband and killing in the same sentence?§
※fuck you,§ seven snaps back, the profanity raw and jarring.
※how many universes has he killed people in?§ six-one-eight demands, taking a step forwards. ※hundreds?§
※you can*t justify what you did to him!§ seven roars back, and oh god, this is alling down to tony again, but this isn*t just sex and marriage, this is oceans of torn up emotions, people left broken beyond repair.
※he started it,§ six-one-eight spits. ※he started the war. not me-§
※shut up,§ the director snaps over them, smilepletely gone. ※you*re wasting time and i*m not in the mood.§ his eyes lock on steve*s again, and he jerks his head towards the stairs. ※put the kid down ande with me.§
steve debates it for a moment. he considers passing sj over to someone else and standing his ground against the director, because this is his fight and he didn*t be captain america to back away from his own damn battles.
the director makes an impatient noise in the back of his throat, obviously unused to being kept waiting. ※i will prise him out of your hands if i have to.§
steve stiffens at the threat, and the urge to put sj down grows, because he wants nothing more than to go over and take the guy out, but then sj*s breathes in sharply against his neck, obviously trying valiantly to not cry.
steve abruptly changes his mind.
sj has chosen to cling to him and that means he*s the one who*s got to protect him from whatever this is. suddenly, he*s seeing the whole situation differently; the whole point of captain america isn*t to fight battles, it*s to protect people. the battles are a secondary issue, they*re not the cause but the effect; the battles he fights are just a result of the main goal, to protect everyone he can. it doesn*t even matter that sj is already dead and possibly not even real; the terror on his small face certainly looks and feels real enough to steve, and as long as it does it matters.
he hitches sj up again, not because he needs to but because he wants to prove a point. he sets his jaw and lifts his chin defiantly, looking the director in the eye.
※not a chance.”
distantly, there*s a bang and it sounds like a door being busted open. six-one-eight turns his head but the director doesn*t so much as blink.
※you*re alive. i want to know how you did it,§ the director says bluntly, and folds his arms across his chest. e with me, and this can be easy. i don*t have to hurt you.§
本章未完,點擊下一頁繼續閱讀書友正在讀: 舒瑤裴墨縉 大魏宮廷 至尊狂兵 事先聲明我是正經網球手 穿越之玩遍娛樂圈 陸鳴至尊神殿 太陽神的榮耀 洪荒論道我紅云不請自來 絕美女總裁的貼身保安 開著外掛闖三國 農門誥命妻 九嬰邪仙 北宋大表哥 猶記斐然 霍格沃茲:開局就搶了哈利媽 從老實人到黑暗王者 從將夜開始的咸魚人生 快穿異瞳圣女的異世之旅 重生之國民太子爺 最后一個煉金師 對我說謊試試 男團的女助理 全球大佬團寵后,小撩精野翻了 窒息[GL] 桃運神戒 可愛是長久之計 流浪的人類文明 暴君的鮫人崽崽三歲啦 世子風流李星河 [綜影視]她們想開了 全息網游之青塵 攝政王的重生寵妃 開局簽到反派姐姐 警嫂出沒,註意! 夢之殤 妖亦成神 其實我很純潔(GL) 我在星際開動物園 這個主播最餓身重 我在柯學世界當四人組幼馴染 神明心動 真千金總能讓人說實話 等月亮 離婚后,偏執總裁拿命求he 三夜談之未亡癥 滿級影后變身小可愛 與太傅不得不說二三事(1v1) 雙性人生 雨做的云(骨科) 軟梨(人狐 1v1) 奴妻要翻身 大佬馬甲有點多 他,來自外星 民國女配嬌寵記[穿書] 夜盡天明 暗夜曉臨[女A男O] 祖宗保佑:我建立了千年世家 你敢動老子試試 超神學院裏的黃金艦隊 都市妙手仙醫 愛你是孤單的心事 玄幻:我垂釣就變強 女主把團寵的位置給了我 穿越到全員bl世界的beta女(NPH) 我的動物園通山海經 [獵人+火影]庫洛洛,入贅吧! 穿越我成了已婚農婦 貞觀醫仙 劣性圈養(骨科 校園h) 鳳傾天闌 我的二次元日常絕對有問題 求我的二次元禽獸人生中的妹妹的出處(即劇情出自哪個galgame) 云舒 你把刀放下說話 至死溫柔【正文+番外】 奧特曼諸天之阿修羅 男主病得不輕 少年吻[電競] 詭案筆記 四爺福晉又開撕了 廢土末世超市經營指南 蜜寵黑道妻 他真的好愛我 我成了柯學世界裏琴酒養的狼崽 天師神醫王歡林靜佳 [咒術回戰]星象儀 溺玫瑰 [蓮花樓同人]我自滄崖見人間 特工萌妃 新郎逃婚后我和他的死對頭閃婚了 我被黑化大佬寵上天 宮女升職戰略 殺神島 就怕你愛我 【末世】撿到了末日最強兵器 [重生]一更風雪兩世人 身在公寓:小孩子才做選擇 情深不及白首 從當仙帝開始云青巖凌雪 咸魚繼承百萬秘術遺產后 池先生的omega是個小乖乖 囚愛 甜攻又在撒嬌啦 借我聞一下信息素 重生2010買房 徐嘉沐的小尾巴 王鐵柱蘇小汐 特殊交易 女尊親王穿成水母O 暗戀無果 咸魚影后又霸榜熱搜了 [劍三]據我所知,我一無所知 極品透視神醫葉風徐佳璐 大安風華錄 三生三世十裏桃花 墨淵白淺《我在等你,你呢?》 倘若未曾遇見你 小胖子 磁場武神路明非 隨身帶著玉如意 吸血姬大人今天也沒能得到滿足 從亮劍開始的戰爭系統 異星直播:你管這叫打工仔? 宇智波悠不是鼬 星際能源師 殘月傳說 你這修仙界風氣不正啊 道君的沖喜小廚娘 寵婚撩人:嬌妻帶球跑 葉凌林雨晴 給那個alpha白cao(百合ABO) [綜英美]小小超英聯盟 (綜漫同人)cos夏油等一摯友 中醫傳承 吞噬星空之我是地球母親 【歌劇魅影】火舞 暴露Alpha身份后婚離不掉了 凰尊降臨:女王召喚師 星際最強懷孕系統 我的飛鳥[豪門] 神馬江湖 第一無賴女王 寄歡 被富二代男友盯上后 野性偏寵 重生西門慶 謝謝你夸我罪無可赦 嫁!我的黑馬 美艷長公主 專屬(H) 妖孽王爺霸道妃 紙上談兵與三十六計