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首頁 > Stay With Me (home is where your mind is > Chapter 5 (2)

Chapter 5 (2)(1 / 2)

chuckling, and then tony and bruce and even natasha are joining in, and steve is suddenly hit with such a wave of emotion that he could burst into tears. he*s home, god, he*s home with this bunch of idiots and there*s nowhere else he*d rather be. he*s not been left behind again, not lost everyone, they*re all here with him-

※alright, let him go,§ tony*s voice suddenly says. ※hop to, romanov, get your beautiful ass off his feet-§

the weight from his feet vanishes and then clint slides off his thighs as the same time bruce lets go of his arm. thor is the last to move; nodding and stepping back, apparently satisfied that steve isn*t going to make another ill-advised break for it.

tony, however, doesn*t move away; steve feels gentle tugs at the back of his hand and watches as tony untangles his arm from the iv line again, before leaning over to tug the sheets straight. his hands are efficient yet gentle and it makes his stomach twist in a confusing new way, shaky and warm and not altogetherfortable. he still feels strange, like his thoughts are trying to wade through treacle, slow and groggy.

※someone go find some more chairs,§ tony says, though his eyes don*t leave steve*s face. ※and raid the vending machine. raid all the vending machines, the poor guy hasn*t eaten in days and he gets cranky when he misses second breakfast. actually, a thousand bucks to whoever can get a damn pizza here in the shortest amount of time.§

his hands smooth down over steve*s shoulders, and they*re shaking slightly.

※don*t-§ steve begins, but he falters, stops. he wants to ask tony not to go, but everything*s so tangled up and confusing, and he doesn*t even know how to begin looking at tony anymore, not after what he found out about seven and stephanie and six-one-eight and hell, every other damn version of himself-

※steve, here.§

he blinks and tony is holding out a cup of water. he reaches out with a shaky hand to take it, draining it and realising just how thirsty he is, and tony takes the empty cup and refills it without question.

steve drains that one too, and as tony takes the empty cup he almost feels himself give up. he*s exhausted and sick and emotional and he doesn*t want to second guess or appease the denial that he can feel lurking on his periphery. he just wants to allow himself whateverfort he can before the fog clears from his mind and he has to start making sense of it all.

※don*t go.§

the words are hoarse and quiet, and tony doesn*t so much as flinch. he simply clambers back onto the bed next to steve and sits up, sliding an arm over his shoulders and pulling steve around until steve is resting against his shoulder, head on tony*s collarbone.

※you think i*m going anywhere ever again, you*ve got another thinging,§ tony turns his head abruptly and speaks into steve*s hair, and steve is confused because that*s not what tony usually says, he usually makes jokes and tells steve he can do perfectly well without his star-spangled-ass, and he never sounds so genuine.

he thinks of stephanie, seven and the wedding band, and is this what they saw in their tonys? tony*s fingers side over his ear and into his hair, the heel of his hand pressing gently against steve*s cheekbone, thumb stroking against his temple. steve can hear the others moving around in the room and he should push tony away because this isn*t how they are in this universe, or maybe tony is just being so handsy because steve got hurt and he thinks it*s his fault?

should he even care?

he lifts his own hand and clumsily wraps his fingers around tony*s wrist, holding the hand in place. tony*s fingers stroke through the short hair above his ear and he shudders out a breath, aching for thefort, the simple touch keeping him grounded and reminding him that he*s okay, he*s still here.

he feels his eyelids drooping, tries to fight it. tony notices and shushes him, thumb stroking steve*s cheek.

※go to sleep, cap,§ he says. ※i swear on jarvis i won*t let you turn into a capsicle again.§

he hears clint snigger, hears something that sounds like natasha smacking him upside the head. he hears footsteps and the scrape of chairs on the floor. the quiet movement around him is so soothing, everything he needs right now to chase away the fear that he*s still going to end up alone once more.

※where am i?§ he asks again, voice still hoarse and painful.

※shield medical. they wouldn*t let me take you back to the tower,§ tony says, and his voice is wavering slightly, just enough for steve to notice. ※and you*re too damn heavy to smuggle out.§

※have,§ steve tries, coughing roughly in the back of his throat. his fingers tighten on tony*s wrist.

※for once in your life, stop talking,§ tony says, but there*s no heat to the words, just a soft genuine cadence that steve rarely hears from tony, and certainly not ever directed at him.

steve ignores him, forces the words out.

※have i been here the whole time?§


書友正在讀: 穿成殘疾總裁的炮灰情敵 重生成美貌哥兒后被夫君甜寵了 福爾摩斯探案全集 永墮黑暗寒江未刪節 抗日猛虎軍 傻了吧,爺會飛! 重生回潮 某寶可夢的飛行系天王 狐緣 又和心機受he了?! 祖傳鈔能力[快穿] 替嫁后成了夫君心尖寵(重生) 全球狂少 我能通神明 葉辰蕭初然 盤古的孫子:我從斗羅開始無敵 她酒窩里有酒 超級物品 地下女王 再世魔導 快穿之炮灰女配請虐渣 八零年代漂亮作精 求標記是會懷孕的! 好父母家規新十條 大巫世代 凌天戰神 我的老師是欲女(高H) 絕色偷香 全球高武:呼吸就能變強 裝A還干架是會懷孕的 生肖情緣 滿級武學算異能嗎? 無法標記 我的對象是只鳥 家有悍妻(豪門甜寵) 只有我是真的超凡者 姜如意徐正庭 我要當院長 全民神祗時代我的屬神是諸天大佬蘇林 超神學院之我的吃雞系統和外掛 替代品 絕代王妃 平衡性 名模夫人 女主她衰神附體 傅少的替身情人 謀殺親夫 紫水晶的真愛 我,煉氣期,萬族敬仰 李鋒秦卿 痛快 清穿之定妃是貔貅 閑妃猛如虎 一念情深:先生輕點愛 美漫的五千歲少女 全能女醫生,老公上車嗎? 極品醫神在都市葉辰夏若雪孫怡 獨家 前妻守則 我在豪門當闊太 異世擼豹開萌崽崽園 宋醫生的心動報告 殺手皇后傾天下 花落知香遲 貓咪,你好GL 少年醫圣(山清水秀1) 開局渦之國被滅,我被斑爺盯上了 這個竹馬有點甜 宇宙風暴[星際] 毛團事務所 穿到爽文裏她被寵野了 關註我,看沈浸式宮斗 席少寵上癮:老婆,要投降 穿成美人丞相的掌中嬌 斗氣無雙 和你在一起 微笑的理由 女配又在禍害世界[快穿] 海賊之紅蓮大將 千金侍(二手奴之一) 重生之三棲影帝byMaxwell 從DNF關服開始當神豪 周毅洛凝 重生末世之寵你一生 貪心不足 [七宗罪]論憤怒被鎮壓的一百種方式 星際二婚之全能后媽 名媛歸來,晏少寵你沒商量 想以疏狂 加速世界 陸爺的小可愛又變身了 凰權在上:攝政王,有禮了 斷笛 一覺醒來我變成了妖艷賤貨 絕色靈音師慕君嬈帝滄離 駙馬是個太監 [HP]莉莉在1994 傾斜三角 一手養崽,一手生死簿 乖孫,我讓你燒錢你給我燒核彈? 這個術士很治愈 末日真神 不定年齡差 重生之看清 三國之我是袁術 當我混在大四 替身啞妻 負鼎 天道今天不上班 我的美麗少年 攻破前夫立體心理防御機制 甜蜜來襲:老公求抱抱林安歌陸翼遙 從雇傭兵到戰爭之王 我成了神女們的噩夢? 萬古難磨 穿成被拋棄的Omega后,我成了團寵 全民領主:從零開始橫推世界 文青女神求別掉皮 【無限流】1v1戀愛教學 曇花如夢開 大學潛規則(上部) 龍王出獄,我靠師姐就能無敵 強嫁的對象他超兇[年代] 從食戟開始采購諸天萬界美食 最佳女婿h改 心惑 我是總統 為你而生,因你而存 男主他只想談戀愛![快穿] 重生后,我無敵于世 于青 蘇寒小說主角 最佳豪門女婿 暴君爹爹的團寵小公主夏寶兒 姑妄言 美人炮灰恃強行兇[穿書] 星際唯一群體治療 蛇與欲(1V1,h) 神秘總裁饒了我 和漂亮女鬼同居的日子 竹馬法則 醫流至尊 影后只想搞事業 破案需要我這樣的人才【刑偵】 神王歸來:開局痛毆惡毒丈母 我在狗血文學裏阻止崩壞劇情 開局盤點成語典故[歷史直播] [殢無傷X無衣師尹]明月の島嶼 許愿要報身份證號嗎 江湖有晴天