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首頁 > Stay With Me (home is where your mind is > Chapter 5 (4)

Chapter 5 (4)(1 / 2)

ent, and only breaks when steve reaches out, touches the back of tony*s hand with his fingertips.

tony draws in a sharp breath through his nose, head jerking around to look. his fingers clench and his face falls, mouth turning down and twisting unhappily.

※anyone would think you weren*t happy to see me awake,§ steve says lightly, because it*s true. tony hasn*t been right since he opened his eyes, and he doesn*t know if he*s made it worse by reaching out for him, by taking so muchfort from him. he knows how other versions of tony feel about other versions of steve, but here, between the two of them, it*s not like that. the lines have always been clear, until now.

※of course i*m pleased to see you,§ tony says, and his voice is forced and fake and steve can spot it a mile off. he reaches up, scratching at his eyebrow with his thumb and studiously avoiding steve*s gaze. ※we had no-one else to put in charge of the avengers, can you imagine what would happen without you there to kick us into shape? natasha and bruce refuse to be in charge and clint is clearly a giant eight year old, so it would either be me or thor and that*s just a disaster waiting to happen-§

※tony,§ steve repeats to stop the rush of words, and tony*s eyes close, brows drawing together as he fights away some barrage of emotion.

※i*m sorry,§ he says, and the words ring out, leaving silence in their wake. ※i*m so sorry,§ he says, and steve hates how broken he sounds. ※you asked me to be there and i ignored you,§ he says. ※god, i didn*t know 每 i wanted to get to the source and shut it down, and i thought-§

he breaks off, makes to move away. steve stops him by grabbing his wrist, fingers tight enough so that this time tony won*t be able to pull free. tony freezes all over again, still looking away.

※well, you won*t be dumb enough to do it twice, will you?§

tony does look at him then, expression disbelieving. ※just like that. you ive me just like that 每 steve, you can*t just let this slide-§

※the hell i can*t,§ steve says stubbornly. ※my iveness, i*ll give it to who i damn well want.§

tony stares at him for so long it makes steve shiver. tony*s eyes flicker over his face, searching for something, and then shakes his head. ※you nearly died. because i directly ignored an order. i told you, i don*t work well in a team, never have, never will-

※don*t even,§ steve snaps out, and that*s the loudest his voice has been since he woke up. ※just don*t.§

※it*s true,§ tony shrugs, looking dismissive and like he doesn*t care. ※can*t be relied on in, not in the way you need-§

※tony, shut up,§ steve says, and pulls him closer by his wrist, unthinking. tony isn*t expecting it and stumbles, hip catching the edge of the bed. he throws out an arm to steady himself, ends up far too close to steve. steve draws in a sharp breath and lets him go, wildly thinking of seven and the others and the images he*s seen of himself kissing tony, and what clint said-

※see,§ tony says, leaning back, obviously having spotted something in steve*s expression that he*s misread. ※you can*t convince me if you can*t convince yourself-§

※no,§ steve says, though he feels wrong footed and unsteady, and he tries valiantly to remember what he*s supposed to be fighting about. ※no, tony 每 l don*t blame you. i was angry, yeah, but i know you would never hurt me intentionally. god, look at yourself. you tell me you haven*t been beating yourself up over this-§

※of course i have,§ tony bites out, and then looks like he regrets it.

※there you go,§ steve says. ※i remember everything. you came the moment you realised. you dropped everything to get to me-§

※not quick enough.§

steve ignores the interjection. ※next time you*ll trust i*m not just ordering you about for the hell of it,§ he says.

※maybe i won*t!§ tony bursts out. ※maybe i*ll still always think i know better.§

※you won*t,§ steve says adamantly, because he didn*t nearly die and spend god-knows how long stranded in the multiverse learning that he and tony need each other just for tony to refuse to play ball. ※the things i saw when i was 每 when i was there,§ he says, shaking his head slightly. ※i learned a lot about myself. and a lot about you.”

tony stares at him, clearly not sure what to say. ※a lot about me? but it was only you there 每 only versions of you.§

※yeah,§ steve says slowly, and then rallies his courage and looks tony right in the eye. ※but they had a lot to say about you.§

tony finally meets his gaze, unflinching. when he speaks, his voice is quieter, less jagged around the edges. ※do i want to know?§

the words are there on the tip of his tongue. steve knows he should tell tony, knows he needs to explain what he learned, but that involves admitting that there are versions of them that have been too involved with each other. tony is still looking at him, waiting. steve swallows and then looks down at his knees, hating himself for not just saying it.

※i don*t understand half of it myself 每 i don*t 每 i just know that 每 my issue isn*t with what happened during the fight. you-§

he breaks off, struggling. he looks at tony and then away again.

※okay,§ tony says slowly. ※i hear what you*re saying, i'm hearing and i'm probably trying to listen, but this whole aura you*re giving off isn*t filling me with confidence.§ he gestures to steve with a hand, helplessly.


書友正在讀: 千歲大人的財迷小娘子 我的鋼鐵帝國趙煦張寒 世界最強教師 重生五零巧媳婦 獸人之流氓攻 我不想受歡迎啊 段少,夫人說她要反虐你 居心不良 葉楚月夜墨寒 全民神祇時代:天才神祇的崛起之路 一銀幣一磅的惡魔 深情藏不住 佛七 仙武,開局獲得神象鎮獄勁 韓娛從遇見知恩開始 不完美小初戀 鎧甲狂龍之吞噬進化 女配能有什么壞心思呢 持久嚴射 關于我開局被鎖級的異世生活錄 大同世界(角色扮演、調教、淫蕩雙性產乳)-v文 異世情緣之仙侶奇夢 夜夜承歡:惡魔總裁的小秘書 原始社會女酋長 帶球跑后前夫要和我復婚 修道從趕尸開始 斗羅之冰火斗羅 萬界之超級打臉系統 從歐布債王,盤點諸天奇葩外號 越做越愛(GL) 洪荒之太上老子 我的妹妹天下第一 厄童子 SC之彼岸花 暗戀曲 世子風流 喬三爺的閃婚新妻又刁又野 走開,我不是同性戀 開局補貼萬萬億 星際大佬只想種田 萬古天墓蕭逸 精靈王被匹配給帝國元帥后 王爺家的夫郎只想種田 精靈之我是最強忍蛙 斗羅大陸之阿銀之辱 給竹馬比個心 武俠:神仙姐姐我取了,不謝! 釣系少爺與殘疾大佬聯姻后 我怎么可能有五個爸爸[星際] 蓬萊杏[紅白] 開局搶了女神冰激凌 緣分天空 戒靈記 即時生效 重生在豆蔻年華(下部) hp蛇王與豚鼠 銀色山泉(1v2 3p h) 相遇于三千清水文中 孤星(np) 綜武:贈送機緣,萬倍暴擊返還! 荊棘吻你 反差婊被調教的二十八天 女主叫池什么女二叫顧什么的 對家哥哥怎么在一起了 問道紅塵無修改 假千金靠玄學爆紅了 金陵紀事 我的九個姐姐絕色傾城 重生貨郎媳 于他而言 穿越之家有傻夫 妻不可欺:農家黑娘子 夫驕 徒弟都是大魔頭 黑鐵時代 萌寶逼婚,爹地9塊9 成為攝政王的外室免費 一把燃 一貓一狗一鷯哥 熒之空 我的道塵界 小作精嫁入豪門后 四合院:飛揚人生 葉觀納蘭迦我有一劍 我開啟了修煉時代 [原神]神秘組織提瓦特 暗潮 扮演偏執反派后(快穿) 天醫鳳九 穿成反派后我攻略了男主 不一樣的快穿 穿進漫畫后我拯救了男主 和美女少婦吃雞情事 裙下之臣[娛樂圈] 皇上臣真的錯了 我們的秘密基地 情欲漩渦 第一侍妾 夏夜潮汐 妹妹偽裝小白兔,姐姐墜入愛河 邊關小廚娘 該你迷戀我了 重生之鐵血抗日 情書不郵寄 今天也不想上班 三國:我,曹家長子,大漢慈父! abo之有種你就上 永不成圣 斗羅大陸之血衣侯 歲歲有今朝 瑤身一變 末世重生之獨寵 劍來 辣文合集 高h 李二蛋紀心雨 穿成奸臣嫡女,她本色出演 四合院:從曹賊系統開始 學渣在古代的上學生涯 笨蛋美人總被陰郁bug覬覦[快穿]【完結】 鐘承于你 滅鬼 和女友母親同居 穿書后我嫁給了反派 一歲千秋(一個皇后的隨筆) 吃遍全家(H) 當抑郁癥患者進入恐怖游戲 和病嬌大佬隱婚后 定風波[羅成同人] 佛系Q婦的重生日常百度 林陽 媚香撩人(1v1h,甜寵,骨科) 世子嫌棄,嫡女重生后轉嫁攝政王 武神歸來 顧氏兄弟的玩物 童謠陸思誠 掌上玲瓏殺 百無一用噠宰君 獨寵醫凰:夫人請賜教 吞噬星空從戰神開始 邪婿神醫 我靠美食日進斗金 她無與倫比的可愛 我的閨蜜果然有問題! 獄醫 你多寵寵我 飛升行不通 把抽卡系統上交后 撒嬌崽崽最好命 王妃有間美男館 天體營短篇(翻譯文)