tops, grateful and wrong footed and unsure. ※i-§
※just say thank you, cap,§ tony interrupts, looking down at his phone again. steve watches him for a moment, taking in how exhausted he looks.
※thank you,§ steve says quietly. tony doesn*t look up or even acknowledge it so steve turns his attention to both the tablet and the cheeseburgers. there are four of them in the bag but he*s far fromplaining; he wolfs down two of them whilst still reading the first story tony has loaded up for him, something about a business merger in chicago that*s being violently objected to by a couple of other corporations. he can*t quite focus on it though; he*s hyper-aware of tony only sitting a few feet away from him, close enough to touch. fresh in his mind is the image of seeing seven back with his tony as well, and he just knows that seeing how easy and happy things were between them is most definitely linked to the strange feeling in his chest that just won*t shift.
he flicks to the next news story, then looks up at tony. tony is still looking at his phone. steve swallows and looks back down, barely taking in the headline about some stupid thing some senator said about welfare whilst within earshot of a reporter and his microphone-
※so,§ tony suddenly says, voice casual and eyes still most determinedly on his phone. ※this is awkward, right?§
breathing out in sigh, steve reaches up to rub his face. ※tony, i#§
he trails off, has no idea what to say. he feels miserable and confused and full of god-knows what other feelings, ones he can*t or doesn*t want to identify.
※why didn*t you tell me?§ tony asks abruptly, and steve looks up at him, startled. ※what you found out when you were there,§ tony presses, eyes intense, and with a horrible lurch steve realises that tony knows.
※clint told you,§ he says hollowly, and tony nods jerkily.
※i,§ steve begins. ※i don*t know what to say,§ he says helplessly. ※look, me and you are 每 we*re me and you. that shouldn*t be influenced by whatever other versions of ourselves have done, by what i*ve seen.§
※i didn*t see anything,§ tony says quietly. ※so it*s not about influence, is it? it*s realisation.§
and it feels like steve*s heart has just stopped with a painful jolt because god, it*s one thing to hear it from clint and another thing entirely to hear the admission from tony*s own mouth.
※i thought i*d killed you,§ tony says, voice rough and raw, and it*s as if now the words areing he just can*t stop them. ※and you know what was the worst thing? it wasn*t the guilt. it wasn*t the guilt that was the worst, it was the thought that i might have to get up every day without you there. do you not get it?§
steve opens his mouth, closes it again. he feels utterly helpless. the small sad smile that twists tony*s mouth shows that he understands.
※i*m going to la for a while,§ tony says out of nowhere, looking away. ※a few months at least, got a few projects out there that probably need working on, will keep me busy for a while.§
※what?§ steve manages, feelingpletely winded. ※why?§
※i need to get my head on straight, and you need some space from me,§ tony says frankly. ※work out if it*s influence or not, and where we stand afterwards.§
※i don*t want you to go,§ steve says, and goddamn it, why is he saying this stupid things to tony when he knows how tony feels? it*s not about what he wants in the wake of his ident; he can*t keep tony by his side for stupid selfish reasons when tony is clearly struggling with this strange new thing that*s going on between them-
tony just shrugs. ※you need me to.§
※seriously, cap,§ tony interrupts, still looking everywhere apart from at steve. ※i know what i*ve said, and i*m literally kicking my own ass for being honest and not just hiding it, and i don*t want you to do anything stupid because of what i*ve said or what you*ve seen. it*s got to be what you want.§
steve swallows. he waits until tony looks up at him, stomach churning ufortably. ※and if i don*t want.§
※then you don*t get,§ tony says simply.
本章未完,點擊下一頁繼續閱讀書友正在讀: 我的武學有自己的想法 后灣村的那些事兒 成為逃生片主角后[無限]列表 七十年代活色生香 就差說我是神仙了 寵妻為后 重生之火焰領主 棄宇宙 三途志 盛唐不遺憾 重生:我的僚機竟然是校花她自己 韓娛制作人 10859【CP完結】 青澀攻略(百合,古代abo) 酒劍仙,鎖妖塔簽到十八年 嬌軟美人恐怖求生 斗羅:我成了太監徐天然 山村小神醫王鐵柱秦柔 玄幻:我能變身神話人物 超神學院:我被天使彥挖出來了 在遠古養大蛇 重生之最強人生 籃球之超級進化 全民領主:開局三千億顆世界樹! 丹鳳朝陽 我真是中天北極紫微大帝 重生之時代霸主 開局簽到天淵詛咒 諸天之帶頭大哥 生命唯一的光 九零空間小神醫 看朝夕 直播:開局一句話氣哭校花徐牧歌 亦克元朵秋彤 是殺手是王妃 世界第一巨星 對方撤回了一個御醫[娛樂圈] 不會失敗的生存游戲 休妻后將軍追悔莫及 當剩女遇上王老五 最原始的欲望 禁止行星互吻 大唐:讓你救災民,你搞科技興國? 半島咸魚日常 真千金她瑪麗蘇屬性點滿了 【快穿】劇情崩壞之后 豪門老男人又撩又寵[重生] 和社畜金絲雀分手之后 掌上月 護花兵王在都市 浮生若只如初見 [原神]N周目后我在提瓦特做情報商 我、霸總、正經人[快穿] 海島求生之我有外掛 那個上仙不太好撩 絕.愛 無時無刻(1v1辦公室戀情) 帝業繚繞 樹深時見鹿 〖DMMD〗亂舞[椅蒼] 我在末世做建設 百裏屠蘇你敢不敢讓我睡個好覺! 你是黑粉他也愛[電競] 當血族穿成Omega 三國白門樓之恨 看了又看同人之人如珍珠 [綜英美]你怎么這么可愛 我靠種田養活了整個軍團 拒絕金錢關系變質 你,我所欲也 蜜枕甜妻:老公,請輕親! 愛情配角 俏賊落誰家 帝少,你老婆的馬甲驚爆全球 參加戀綜,我扶起了糊咖 馴服獅子的方法(BDSM)+番外BY風流涕(70)[高質言情] 命中註定遇見你 快穿之天生尤物 千歲爺你有喜了蒼喬明蘭若 少爺萬福 治愈反派進行時 皇子妃她綁定了養崽app 孽障徒弟要抱抱 名門梟寵:重生全能靈妻 假戲真做 駱少,夫人又去收租了 穿越之陪你打天下 側妃萬萬歲 一瞬間的心跳聲 一號狂婿 尖白深淵6.5:絕境繁花 我是茍策劃開局就送異獸蛋 當路邊的野花變成戀愛對象 五娘子躺平日常 快穿:絕色BOSS任我撩 鳳歸九霄狂妃逆天下 病弱美人在星際御獸 渣男洗白手冊[快穿] 身穿后他們把我當Omega 百鬼傳人(百詭傳人) 風起不落 婕妤生存攻略 星星奔向他 非酋雪貂在線撩漢[穿書] 重生后,系統總是安排我倒追前妻 你老婆從書裏出來了 貴婿臨門 她從火光中離去 鶴往南飛 婚約者意外地討人喜歡 三國:從落鳳坡開始 我在星際制卡爆紅了 野貓馴養魏承譯 錦瑟妖姬:東宮亂 暗夜星辰 一生為后(重生) 人在特雷森,專職擺爛 驚悚游戲:開局直播扮演詭異 拒不復婚之前夫滾遠點最新免費章節 大秦圣皇 在運動番當萬人迷學姐 深情敗類【假臥底1v1】 王妃她開了十八家連鎖醫院 妖女,我讓你助我長生 誤沾春情 身為橫濱人造人的我幸運EX 誘她淪陷出軌 和最強分手之后 帶著超市空間穿成了炮灰! 一團和氣見深情 雄兵連之銀河之力葛小倫 太醫 珍珠寶石 公路求生:我有簽到天賦 催眠控制全世界 人生三十 這天下第一宗有我,是滅定了! 學霸的黑科技時代 春來弄干坤 重生之目之所及,心之所向(仙劍四劇版紫紗同人) 花想容 小助理有心事 絕地天通:我創造了末法時代 穿越之我是大太監 小說神秘大佬盯上了我的三寶全集 剛證準帝,反派劇本晚來五百年 喪尸與狗,我越過越有 我等魂歸又一年 在下三日月1.0 飼養守則