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首頁 > Stay With Me (home is where your mind is > Chapter 7 (3)

Chapter 7 (3)(1 / 2)

is dimension or whatever you call it, i don*t know,§ pepper says, frantic. ※reed richards isanising some sort of appointment for him to go delving through steve*s brain to find out where it went, and steve apparently thinks it*s not a big deal and is trusting richards, but -§

tony*s mind stutters to a halt. hang on 每 steve is going to let strange fuck about with his mind with only reed richards for supervision? fuck, he knows strange too well to believe he*ll prioritise steve*s wellbeing before his own wants and needs. and richards as well. the level of risk that they are going to consider eptable is going to be too high, steve probably isn*t fully recovered from the ident and they won*t give a shit if they hurt him, not if it*s in the name of magic or science-

※hold him off,§ he says, going back to his workbench and grabbing his phone. ※jarvis, remove call blocking. pepper, call clint back and get him to hold them off, i don*t care how he does it-§

※okay,§ pepper is already dialling, biting her lip. she*s moving back and forth agitatedly, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. ※clint? clint yes, he knows, he says to hold him off. i don*t know, what do you normally do when you*re trying to divert someone-? no, clint, you can*t shoot anyone, just think of 每 ask natasha. get natasha on the phone 每 well go and find her then-!§

heart thumping behind the arc-reactor, tony lets pepper deal with that end of the situation and shifts his focus to what he needs to do instead. he dials steve's number, heart thudding strangely as it connects and rings. and rings. and rings. and then goes to voicemail.

”fuck!” tony swears. ”jarvis, where is he?”

”i'm sorry, sir, it appears captain rogers is not in the tower.”

tony doesn't stop to think. ”jarvis, get the suit ready. mark fifteen, go.§

there*s a pause.


※sir, the mark thirteen is the fastest model,§ jarvis says. ※if speed is your priority.§

tony nods brusquely. ※good call. light it up.§

there*s a faint and familiar whirring and tony watches the storagepartment in the wall open slowly, focussing on breathing in and out steadily. there*s only one thought left in his mind, repeating over and over and he doesn*t doubt it, not even for a second.

he needs to get to steve.

reed richards' lab is nowhere near as great as tony*s, is steve*s initial thought upon entering. it*s just gone half past one and he*s only just arrived, apologising for being late. he fully blames clint, who had done his damnest to get steve to rethink his decision and put off the appointment; it was only when steve told him he was going with or without him that clint conceded and let him leave the tower. actually, clint didn*t even really concede; he just couldn*t physically stop steve from exiting the building and had instead followed him with a very bad grace.

steve blows out a breath, rocking back on his heels and starting to feel a little nervous. he tries to take his mind off it by looking around, but it doesn*t work very well. it*s nothing like tony*s workshop; it*s all science and numbers and theory, none of the bots or machines or cars that tony works with. more abstract. less real, somehow.

steve suddenly wishes he had called tony. it's too late now, and besides, even if he wanted to he's left his phone on his nightstand after showering.

※take a seat, captain,§ stephen strange says to steve, his voice low and melodious. he gestures to the chair and steve nods and climbs carefully into it, leaning back and exhaling heavily. strange looks amused, like steve is a small child finding something illogically frightening. ※relax. the tenser you are, the more ufortable it will be for you, and the more difficult it will be for me.§

※easy for you to say,§ steve says, and he*s only half joking. he wants to do this 每 he needs to do this 每 but stephen strange isn*t exactly a warm and weing type of fella. he*d greeted steve politely enough, but had been openly keen to dismiss with pleasantries in favour of getting down to business. it doesn*t help that steve knows very little about the guy; he knows his official title is sorcerer supreme, and he protects the earth from magical threats. he knows that he used to be a neurosurgeon before he learned magic, which he supposes is a plus for someone who*s about to go delving around in his brain.

he*ll be honest; between strange and richards, steve is starting to feel a bit like a lab rat. he*s not going to back out now though, not when he*s so close to getting some more answers. at the end of the day, he can*t really object to what the two men are planning if he gets what he wants out if it.

※i still think we should wait,§ clint says stubbornly, from where he is leaning back against richards* desk with his hands shoved in his pockets, much to richards* chagrin.

※it*ll be fine,§ richards says without turning around. his fingers are flying over his keyboard, eyes glued to the screen in front of him. ※just sit still. strange, are these sensors going to affect what you need to do?§

strange looks over to richards, who stops typing and picks up a couple of small white circular disks, holding them up for inspection.

※no,§ strange says without pause. ※unless any of your equipment runs off magical energy.§

※no,§ richards says, and reaches 每 no, stretches 每 his arms over towards steve. he doesn*t flinch, but clint does take a large step back away from the extending limbs, a look of alarmed distaste on him face. steve smiles fleetingly, and then sits perfectly still as reed sticks the two sensors onto steve*s head, one just below each temple.


書友正在讀: 你愿意哄我睡覺嗎 干物妹也要當漫畫家 都市巔峰醫圣林逍 [HP·盧平]月亮也會奔你而來 誤入詭途 【ABO】奶香味室友軟又甜 土豪網紅的敗家人生 行走在陰間徐禍桑嵐季雅云 娜娜的YIN蕩生涯H 演員沒有假期 廢柴逆天召喚師 老婆結婚嗎 高武聊天群 總裁的新妻 超能力天王 他那么野,全文 重生逍遙君王 驚!清貧校草是孩子他爸 封神之我在商紂當昏君 小保姆 遲慕 王者榮耀之制裁系統 神級龍衛 玄幻:我竟成了女魔頭的旅行青蛙 和離后,他對我死心塌地 一切從鹿妖開始 極品農民 婚后初戀(ABO) 神選系統:開局相親200斤女神高明遠肖亞婧 隱形大佬的鮮妻黑化了 修仙從一只雞開始 帶你回家好不好 影帝他總想艸我(1v1 高h) 早知如此,一定當初 橫推諸天:開局小李飛刀 穿越后炮灰前妻靠醫術逆襲 不完美中的小完美 病美人在古代打鐵致富 我就偷偷喜歡你 穿成男主的白月光 九陽圣王 殘疾猴是獸國首富 夜少的小祖宗颯又撩容七夜南深 造反大師 棄妃的美人夫君 祈先生,不娶別撩 我親愛的弟弟呀 從今天開始當昏君 穿成仙俠文里的炮灰女配后 衛世者 榮耀王者之風 為人師表 重生之朵朵桃花煞 邪王絕寵唐門毒妃 誤入豪門:惡總裁的嬌寵 溫香阮玉 春季潮濕不宜私奔 超神之我有無數學者模板 虐文系統哭著求我辭職 糙攻和影帝+番外 婚婚來遲:冷少,你寶貝掉了 被學弟纏上了怎么辦 王東唐瀟傲世潛龍 裙上之臣 百度云盤 正骨師 純屬愛情 白醫生,好久不見 七零炮灰是個狠人 小村的春天 洪荒混沌天尊 偏執影帝每天都在撒糖 一級涼了滿級覆活了 年輪 第五種結局 殺神她又重生了殺神重生之葉歡 回到古代當皇子李準王嫣然 修仙女配改拿龍傲天劇本 桑年蕭靳御小說叫什么 詭報社 (全本)《逃婚后新郎真香了》宋蘊蘊江曜景試讀 愛在不言時 阿呆地球尋愛記 最痛不過我愛你 大院二婚妻[八零] 處處蚊子咬 NBA:執教勇士,鄧肯感到不安 被溫柔攻養大后 七號空間 諸天:我可以催眠自己 陰陽秘事 被妖怪賴上怎么辦 替身帶球跑,追妻火葬場 我開蘭博基尼送外賣 戲法羅 全網都想魂穿首富家的貓 重生成暴君掌中嬌 生死線 她從火光中來 被投喂的N種姿勢(穿書,H) 楚風墜崖錯救女帝 美漫黑科技系統 楊葉秦夕月 圖靈禁區 我的金融帝國 穿成霸道總裁的貼身管家 病弱男二對我蓄謀已久 皇后再愛朕一次 他總在夜里出現 我那高嶺之花的愛人 穿成炮灰后我成了綜藝團寵 他愛如潮 蓮花樓之諸天旅途 皇嫂金安 充氣娃娃 對不起,我不穿了 給自家主角受找婆家神馬的 奶團兩歲半,九個哥哥排隊寵 老公接招吧 王者榮耀之青蓮劍仙 以父之名(牛虻同人,亞瑟x蒙泰尼裏) 給死對頭上墳卻把他氣活了 我能否將你比作夏日 后宮奴 魔帝你也退婚?九龍拉棺拉到你家 直播抓鬼的那些年 三個巨佬為我拿火葬劇本 富錦 吃貨嫡妻 穿成惡毒女二后只想主持正義 【狂飆】人盡可夫高啟強 夫郎不能寵(女尊) 戰神狂飆小說全集 校草失憶后總以為我在追他 莫名其妙翻身成了C位頂流 小村長的幸福生活 全能炮灰重生回來后 斗羅:鳳神再臨 法師?法術工程師! 陳年有魚 818那個潛規則的國民影后 先婚后愛:暖心甜妻寵上癮唐小柒楚墨凡 錦衣衛:開局三天,簽到百年內力 全職法師:從穆婷穎退婚開始 超靈殺手 年代:從南來北往開始 你媽求我和你處對象[六零] 蹈火[港島戀人1988] 幻雪妖孽傳 撩心入骨[娛樂圈] [綜]探長先生