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fossil hunters

although many people think of paleontologists as dinosaur hunters, searching for dinosaur fossils is only one part of the job. paleontologists study the history of life on earth and fossils of all kings--from plants and cells to fish and saber tooth cats. dinosaurs are some of the most dramatic remains, but fossils of plants and animals from different points in time help scientists piece together a more plete picture of the history of life on our pla.

paleontology draws heavily on geology (the study of rocks) and biology (the study of life). an in-depth knowledge of rocks is important because rocks can provide needed rmation about the fossils they hold. rmation about layering of rocks and soil types can also be valuable. principles of biology e into play when paleontologists date and identify the specimens they find. imagine trying to put together the fossilized remains of an animal\'s skeleton. it would be like working on a puzzle without knowing what the finished picture looks like. the knowledge of other life forms gives paleontologists the background they need to form conclusions about prehistoric forms of life.

paleontology can be exciting work. think of finding the remains of plants and animals that have been buried for millions of years. picture the thrilling discovery of a new creature, or finding the missing piece in a mystery scientists have been trying to solve. while these are the more glamorous parts of the job, paleontology also requires a lot of painstaking work. paleontologists can dig for long periods of time with few finds. when they do find a fossil, recovering it is often slow. to keep from damaging the fossil, great care must be used in extracting it. working with precise tools and small brushes can help scientists remove and preserve the fossil.

field work isn\'t the only part of the job for paleontologists. they spend time in labs and offices, too. they analyze and study the discoveries they make. everything must be identified and cataloged for future reference. paleontologists also often write about their work, sharing it with other scientists and students.

although being a paleontologist takes years of school, anyone can try their hand at fossil hunting. all it takes is interest, a little knowledge, some basic tools, and of course, patience! experts advise the quarries, road cuts, and cliffs are good places to look for fossils. a masonry hammer, a small chisel, a screen (for sifting out dirt), and a soft bristled brush (for cleaning the dirt off your finds) are useful tools to bring on a fossil hunt.

experts also advise that you bring a small notebook to record rmation about any fossils you find. write the location as precisely as you can. try to also record details about the geology of the area. include the type of rocks above and below your find. if you can make a rough sketch or take a photo, too, take can also be helpful. chances are, any fossils you find will probably mostly be of personal interest. if you do happen to find a large fossil, however, you should contact a local museum or university. they can help retrieve it without damaging it.

fossil hunting can be exciting and interesting work for both professionals and amateurs. there is always room to add to the body of knowledge of what earth was like long before humans walked the pla. and the more we learn about out pla\'s past, the more we know about who we are and the role of living things on earth today.


paleontology- n. 古生物學

quarry- n. 采石場 (quarries-覆數)

chisel- n. 鑿子

sift- v. 篩 (sifting-現在進行時)

□□- n./adj. 業余


1. why do you think it is important to bring a notebook on a fossil hunt and record rmation about you find in it

2. what are two other sciences that play a large role in paleontology

3. why do you think quarries, cliffs, and road cuts are good places to look for fossils

4. paleontologists work exclusively in the field. is this statement true or false

5. why does the author say that paleontology can be both exciting and painstaking work

6. how does knowledge of biology help make the process of assembling fossils easier

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書友正在讀: 抗戰:九歲的我成了少帥 擁星河入懷 我,仙帝安瀾,創建聊天群 諸天之龍脈巫師 田園小王妃 大宋一品權臣 花都圣王 開掛了的被召喚者 穿書后我和女主都真香了 虹丹之王 我家三公子 穿成女主不存在的妹妹 戀愛嗎竹馬先生 忽如一夜病嬌來 萬道爭鋒 [快穿]勾引(全)(H) 大良凰后(母后乖乖讓朕愛) 柯南之犯罪大師系統 截教少教主 我在斗破當大佬 市長老公請住手 我的命中命中 史上最牛軟飯王 [娛樂圈]男主總想殺我 嬌妻十九歲 論魔后打臉的一千種方式 奇針狂醫林望楊悅 聽說你有點難追 主角有點不正常 夏光 (快穿)世界的惡意 他說江湖水太深 她怎么突然又甜又撩 情深淺淺 倒追十年后:傅總,我沒愛過你 最強紅包皇帝 特種兵之最強戰神系統 開局從離婚開始 長公主的面首被各路攻強制愛了 穿越女主角 溺愛成癮夢想嘗試 下一季歡顏 今天也成功的沒離婚呢 夏舒呈,你到底是什么人! 請旨賜婚(重生) 治病成就亂說小說全集 到我身邊來 重生七零年代 我是奸相他哥遺孀(重生) 偏偏夢你 《天下哥哥皆入懷NPH》 吞噬星空之永恒之主 漢尼拔-時光之境 龍先生的寵愛 那女孩,丑的惹人愛 撿個仙女學修真 遇見你,我的夢四季如春 與魔共舞:魔妃太狠辣 男神反撲記 相思不盡君自來 我還是想打排球[競技] [霹靂]師風者,亂 解深密經 驚!我能聽見貓說話了? 重生之偏愛 從人人喊打到國民女神 原力宗師 文娛,我只喜歡拍電影 重生ABO之過度標記 我生了個蛋? 丐天丐地丐美麗 冬嶺客 快穿撿節操:黑化BOSS,別鬧 嫡女不嫁,腹黑殿下給我滾 重回七九撩軍夫 快穿:病嬌白天冷冰冰晚上要抱抱 流星·蝴蝶·劍 咸魚狂暴之路 不愛我就滾 來自海洋的你[末世] 海王圣女退休倒計時 桃兆 末世重生:目標飛升 紅樓如此多嬌未刪版 心有陳疾【林泊川、臧白】 主角忘了他是受[穿書] 少女快穿冒險 霍先生乖乖寵我 我對象靠腦補談戀愛 喵相師 浣熊的終極進化 窩囊女婿周天李若雪 神豪二維碼 伽藍國的王子貌美如花 永安探案錄 皇后總想給朕牽紅線(穿書) 涂鳶(1V1 H) 女高中生的日常(百合扶她) 火影之木葉星煌 主神老攻他又寵又慫[快穿] 重生之驚世凰后 逍遙小漁夫 西游之開局加入聊天群 潮沙(1v1) 統御九洲 奪長生 別鬧了,薄先生薄亦琛 神跡再臨 仙秦大帝:從滅國開始崛起 奶油陷阱 獵戶的神醫福妻柳葉沈天厲 分手后,病嬌大佬總掐我桃花 從那兔開始,震驚世界! 我爸今年17歲 蘿莉控的我怎能變成蘿莉被控 陰陽酒館 極品全能天師 一考成神 你比AK都難 結婚協奏曲 斗羅:化身九尾,拐走小舞當老婆 龍王出獄,百萬將士跪迎天淵王 先婚厚愛:老公別太壞 長生修行,從武考科舉開始 諸天百變從湯姆貓開始 美漫:最強反派 白及不附 西游:從白虎嶺開始 閃婚后大叔每天狂寵我 我,為祖國富強而奮斗!【系統】 蜀山戰紀 夜色溫柔 [足球]半場先生 我只喜歡你的抱抱 心動過速 戀愛吧,就像不曾受過傷害一樣(原名:年年年華) 你是否會想起 惡來傳 至尊神殿小說到底講的是什么 被貶后我靠玄學一路升官 非典型營業[娛樂圈] 甜甜 五靈根 精神海 清穿后,帶著皇子闖萬界[快穿] 三國求生攻略 和死對頭協議結婚以后 佩德的魔法書 凰權之上(父女 古言 1v1 h) 弱水三千:天下心路