out of this world experience
\”all right, everyone, let\'s settle down a bit,\” said mr. singh, addressing his class of excited eight-graders. \”we have ms. reba farrow here with us today. ms. farrow is an astronaut who is a veteran of three space flights, and she\'s here to answer your questions.\” he turned to the woman seated in the chair next to his desk. \”ms. farrow, we\'re thrilled to have you here. the kids have been talking about nothing else for days,\” he confessed.
ms. farrow got up and faced the class. \”i don\'t know if i\'ve ever had such anticipation for one of my visits before! i\'ll do my best to live up to your expectations,\” she added. \”as mr. singh mentioned, i\'ve participated in three flights into space. my undergraduate degree (n. 本科學位) is in biology, and i have a phd (n. 博士學位) in biochemistry. i\'ve been fascinated by space ever since i was a little girl and first learned, during a library story time, that humans had walked on the moon. on my next trip into space, i\'ll be spending six months on the international space station,\” ms. farrow paused and sipped from a glass of water on the desk. \”so, tell me--what are your questions about space or being an astronaut\”
hands quickly shot up across that classroom. ms. farrow pointed to a girl in the back of the class with a ponytail (n. 馬尾辮). \”what should you study in college if you want to be an astronaut\” she asked.
\”you should study whatever you most enjoy,\” responded ms. farrow, \”because that will make you a passionate and hard worker. there is no one single field of study for astronauts, and in fact, a crew is often made up of people with fairly different backgrounds. it\'s helpful to have folks with various areas of expertise (n. 專長), so my advice is to study technology, engineering, math, chemistry--whatever field you excel in.\”
ms. farrow smiled as hands eagerly extended back into the air. \”what was the most interesting or amazing or surprising part about going into space\” asked micah reynolds.
\”walking in space for the first time was one of the greatest, most memorable moments of my life,\” said ms. farrow thoughtfully. \”the absolute immensity (n. 巨大) of space is almost overwhelming,\” she added, \”and the amazing progress that humans have made to send us there makes me enormously proud.\”
\”do you think that there are other plas with intelligent life\” asked kristopher.
\”i\'m asked that question probably more than any other,\” replied ms. farrow, \”although it\'s one that i obviously have no concrete answer for. the short answer is yes, i do believe that intelligent life exists on other plas. based on the size of the universe and the vast (adj. 廣闊的) number of stars, it seems a bit arrogant (adj. 傲慢的) to me to think that our sun and pla earth are the only ones that can support life.\”
ms. farrow gestured to a girl near the window, and lina cleared her throat. \”do you have to go through any special medical tests before you van bee an astronaut\” she asked.
ms. farrow nodded, \”yes, that\'s a fairly important part of the process. it would really be quite a crisis if an astronaut had a heart attack in space or suffered a seizure or a stroke. because ess to medical treatment is so limited, nasa does its best to insure that only people with no serious medical issues travel into space. in addition, the mere fact of being in space is hard on your body. because of the lack of gravity, you get less blood to your calves (n. 小腿) and feet, your bones can lose calcium. even depression van set in during long missions.\”
\”i\'m going to stop you there,\” said mr. singh, waving one hand at the students who groaned. \”we can talk a little more with ms. farrow following lunch. i like your thoughtful question,\” he added. \”just hold on to them for about 45 minutes!\”
1. ording to ms. farrow, what should you study in college if you want to bee an astronaut
2. who is the protagonist in this story
3. ording to the second line of the dialogue in paragraph 6, what does this line tell you about ms. farrow
4. this selection is written almost as an interview with ms. farrow. did the author\'s choice of style work for this story
5. in paragraph 8, ms. farrow says, \”it seems a bit arrogant to me to think that our sun and pla earth are the only ones that can support life.\” what do you think she means by this
書友正在讀: 神瞳鑒寶師 極品天師打臉系統 重生從小錢掙起 劍斷虛空 和影帝上戀愛綜藝后我爆紅了 網游之少年絕色 萌妻甜蜜蜜:厲少,放肆寵 四喜臨門:霍總的天才嬌妻 Beta不能被標記怎么辦?咬他! 傅爺您夫人又兇殘了 紅酥手 退婚后白月光O變A了 鋼鐵長安 最強偷屬性系統 旅行琴蛙 我,女尊世界的男神 超禁忌游戲 鐵血神帝 傻王夫君他權傾朝野啦 二〇五信箱 唐少的心尖寵安小兔唐聿城 原來我是絕世武神 透視小神醫 妙手小神醫林峰劉蘭 天下珍玩 都市圣騎士的神圣物語 空間凈神錄 與班長大人的戀愛日常 快穿之反派總是對我意圖不軌 我真不是山野大家 小舅舅,讓我攻一下 白日酩酊 次元幻想家 穿越后每天都在擔心掉馬 嗜血:夜王狂妃 民國宗師 穿成科舉文男主的錦鯉妻 殺手小姐,笑一個 人人都愛本教主 小公務員幸福生活 英雄無敵大宗師 余生 當被被有了本丸 愛母如潮 虞郎年最少 重來一次 夢斷殤 都市無雙醫圣 偏偏 你是我自己 和陸醫生做室友后他想撩我 理科學霸在異界 直男竹馬追我到戀綜 懶管閑事 太情切 兩厘米勇者團(NP) 霸愛寵婚:惡魔老公別惹我 還債(黑道1V1H) 第一章她快死了 斗羅大陸5頂點 仙界第一凡人 離婚后冷她三年的陸總膝蓋跪穿了 皇帝陛下的養成計劃 黃昏 柯氏家族之柯天圣 和頂A商業聯姻后[女A男O] 讓你當守夜人,你成了諸神黃昏? 開局揍了何雨柱我成了四合院霸主 王之妖精[綜] 不許說我甜 病美人班長 江都女捕之謎案重重 越南密戰︰1950-1954中國援越戰爭紀實 變身三界女神 殿下來自古代 穿成攝政王的嬌嬌妻 一號狂婿夏天 [獵人]風之使者——凱茜Ⅱ 被替身文男主暗戀后 明明非你不可 假千金擁有治愈異能后站起來了[末世] 拒當嬌軟o(星際) 足球鬼才 皇貴妃今天出棲容宮了嗎? 仙緣(道緣儒仙實體書) 我陪你 白月光戲精日常 一見傾心 霸道總裁寵妻上癮 穿成末世文里的惡毒女配 對面的,把你的節操撿回去 重生之雙生 驚!野貓總裁竟然... 烏龍告白 落魄千金總也矜持 穿書后首輔他又奶又兇 晴朗遇見不孤單 御靈之王 一品爹地,媽咪要出嫁 世界調制模式 給你咬還不行嗎 英雄聯盟之英雄的信仰 老師太兇猛 斗羅:絕世之斗天雨浩 無傀 霸總的炮灰男妻只想離婚 妖神之王 封閣女相 知否:大宋,我要當皇帝! 無限異常調查官 把宿敵撿回家以后 穿越后我靠和男主貼貼續命 公派婚姻[六零] 我能修復一切BUG 雪中悍刀行 華娛之頂流沒有假期 華娛扛把子 妻不可擋:征服傲嬌總裁 美人慎行 HP:我是惡女,你有本事來打我呀 在盤龍成主神后,我前往吞噬 掌中囚寵(H,強取豪奪) 動物城之兔兔向前沖(nph) 如清似月 GL 蓋世天驕 茅山后裔 九州王 六道醫尊 葉辰蘇夕月 炮灰女配的科技修仙路 重生逆襲:腹黑竹馬寵上天 三國:開局召喚諸葛亮,逼反父皇 校花的貼身侍衛 快穿之孕父最心機 社牛老六,和他的怨種刑警姐姐! 破產后,前夫暴富了 超眼透視 帝心 茍在家族種田成仙 我的后室沙盤 山雨欲來【H】 十二個妖怪 朱慈烺是主角的 諸天無禁忌 修仙女配的逆天之路 不寫出師表,你北什么伐呀! 開局一家店,我在末世躺贏了 穿越諸天:只有我知道劇情 荒野求生綜藝直播跟動物聊天 原來你也不是人類