bottle rocket blues
penelope loved the annual spring days festival at morris south junior high, and she was sad that this would be her last chance to attend one. high school starts next year, and everything about school that had frown so familiar over the last three years would be gone, including some of her friends. while penelope would be headed to south lake high, emily and abigail would attend morris east. they had all promised each other that they would stay in touch, but penelope couldn\'t help wondering how realistic that was. even with this cloud handing over her mood, shew was determined to have a fantastic time.
penelope crossed the grassy campus that spread between the school\'s four main building. booths (n. 攤位) lined the outer square, holding traditional spring days games like skee ball (n. 滾球游戲), popping balloons with a dart (n. 飛鏢), and a beanbag toss (n. 丟沙包). at the end of one row was the dunking booth. principal spinelli would be in it later, and she knew a long line of students would form to get their chance at knocking him into the water.
as penelope reached the bottle rocket launch site, ms. slamanca greeted her. \”penelope! i knew you\'d be here any minute. alright guys, let\'s open up for business.\”
penelope and the other students in ms. salamanca\'s science class were manning a bottle rocket booth. for the cost of two tickets, a student would get to use a bike pump to pump air into a plastic soda bottle half filled with water. when the pressure was just right, the bottle would shoot off the pipe that held it and zoom into the air, soaking everyone on the ground with the water spraying out behind it.
the booth was part of the finale for a month-long unit on rockets that ms. salamanca had been teaching. the students had designed plans for their own rockets, including the shape, weight, and power sources. they had used their plans to build the rockets, but unfortunately, they wouldn\'t get to launch them. the school\'s insurance policy didn\'t cover fiery explosions in case something went wrong! however, any student with a signed permission slip would get to see ms. salamanca launch an even bigger rocket that she had built herself. that rocket launch was the real grand finale of spring days, but it would happen in a field a few miles from school. penelope\'s parents were driving her there, along with emily and abigail.
the rocket booth turned out to be a huge hit. teachers and students took turns seeing who could launch the highest rocket, or even better, who could soak the most people. penelope wondered if their booth had gotten even more traffic than the dunking booth.
as the time neared for ms. salamanca\'s rocket launch, penelope hunted for her friends in the crowd so they could all head over to where her parents were parked. when she spotted emily and abigail, she waved.
\”hey, penelope!\” emily yelled, and then gave her friend a hug. \”look at the goofy bear i won!\” she laughed and held up a garish (adj. 花哨的) pink, polka dotted teddy (adj. 圓點花紋) bear.
penelope rolled her eyes and suggested, \”you should give it to your little sister because she\'ll love it. did you win anything, abigail\”
\”nothing. i\'m never any good at these kinds of games,\” said abigail. then, she pointed to the boy standing next to her. \”do you know mason could your parents give him a ride\”
\”of course i know him. hey, mason. if you have a permission slip, then that\'s no problem.\”
mason nodded. \”thanks, penelope. heu, you\'re going to south lake high next year, right there\'s only a few of us morris southers that\'re going there, so we need to stick together, okay
\”absolutely!\” penelope replied, and the cloud over her mood suddenly drifted away.
1. in paragraph 1, what idiom is used to describe how penelope feels
2. why is this the last spring days festival penelope will get to attend
3. why is penelope working at the bottle rocket booth
4. the school did not allow the students to launch the rockets they designed in class. however, they are allowed, to launch the bottle rockets, why
5. why do you think students need permission slips to view ms. salamanca\'s rocket launch
6. why does penelope\'s mood change at the end of the story
7. what words does the author use to describe emily\'s bear do these words have a positive or negative connotation
書友正在讀: 重生后我嫁給了反派大佬 丞相他懷了龍種 陸晚晚 夜盡歸離 詛咒之龍 穿成反派暴君的心尖寵 寶鑒金瞳全文 末世重生后她美又颯 心狂by初禾 妻逢對手 月亮墜入愛河 軟妹兇殘(快穿) 皇后本來不想紅 帝寵 渣O手冊 斗羅之蛛皇降世 得償所愿[快穿] 農業中華 寂滅萬乘 天問十三劍 諸界輔助 娘娘帶球跑了! 王府小媳婦 全世界都想和我做朋友[快穿] 我能看到生命值 都市重生之妖孽仙尊 一夜殘歡 修羅天帝訣 黑白斗羅 無限僵尸系統 年少風華 重生回到剛就業時 神級賭石師(星際)txt百度網盤 穿成康熙心尖寵 帝宮歲記(女尊) 重生之公主嫁到 追鹿 BE狂魔求生系統[快穿] 他視我如掌上珠 我在八零搞科研[穿書] 唐門天才與機甲男神 穿越后的榮寵一生 [綜]最強白毛退休在米花町 [綜英美]和面罩男結婚的錯誤示范 從植物人狀態醒來后 歡迎進入夢魘直播間 三國之大漢重生 丘比特今夜失明 當草莓遇上奶糖 小師妹成了全宗的爐鼎 路人女主大獲全勝 閃婚甜妻:慕少,難伺候!溫靜慕煜行 重生之女神棍 魔女的不正常戀愛 被白兔師兄咬了[重生] 咸魚和病嬌身體共享后 穿成狗血文替身后我咸魚了 重生之軍妻凌人 超級巨星:我爸比超紅的 穿七零,團寵嬌嬌手握空間撩隊長 輕雨 家有悍兒:我娶,你敢不嫁 爆炒青豆( NPH) 八零之福氣包 背叛[SM] 仗劍萬裏 重生:被病嬌愛上后,我躺平了 等余上鉤 這個諸天超熱鬧 精英老公無良妻 文娛之我的時代 蘭花螳螂 春風不度 追到豪門大佬后我被寵上天了 我在斗羅開網吧 陰溝裏的船 峰主您變臉比翻書還快 狗狗船長,木筏求生 一盞月亮 蒼穹天引龍塵葉知秋 兩個兒子三個爹 不養魚了,勿擾 香蜜:云歌曼舞玉相傾 狐妖小紅娘之天長地久 錯愛豪門:清純前妻拒覆婚 末世之我變成了一只貓?? 我是年代文里的炮灰前妻[八零] 黃色蒲公英 皇上每天都想翻我牌子 丹道宗師有聲小說戀聽網 咸魚賈環的諸天旅行 凡人:我的屬性修仙 寒門之士[科舉] 喜當爹的福氣我不要 灰塔筆記(密碼戰)番外 柳萱岳風剛剛 直播:我冒死科普精靈,轟動全球 恃寵而驕 學弟,我就是你的網戀對象啊 詭異世界公務員升職手冊 芳香療法 囚君心 客家女孩 [綜英美]魔王再臨 蟲族之時間洪流 鍋影忍者 早知 家族修仙:我能看到提示 誅邪 神與無名之人 惑情 師妹無情,謫仙夫君請留步 天都家庭日記 公主病的大學 我在名柯拆八個蛋 農門團寵:家有萌寶小錦鯉 斗羅:從千仞雪開始俘獲女神 總裁每天都在病危 人在美綜:掃蕩反派 九龍劍皇 大夢諸天,我的能力能存檔 我靠蝴蝶翅膀助龍傲天登仙 我那夫君柔弱不能自理 萬古龍帝 學霸了不起呀?! 我在西游加點修行 這Alpha好愛老婆 在氪金游戲裏當歐皇 豪門假千金她重生了 [綜]替身是正義的伙伴 重生特工小嬌妻 想拆的cp官宣了 百度網盤 錯誤情詩 [綜英美]蝙蝠家的喵崽子 你再敢跑一個試試! 豪門浪蕩史 長生從迎娶大嫂妹妹開始 女道士下山 網游:我召喚的骷髏全是位面之子? 沈迷撒嬌 驕寵 小公主她很甜很軟糯 我們死守愛情的城 正邪 [原神]覆雪流影 學霸:我在廢土世界好好學習 快穿之炮灰他哥哥 沈昭昭沈楚川 兼職保鏢 杏林春晚