the age of aquarius
imagine living and working deep in the ocean. for some people, this idea might sound a little frightening. others are fascinated by the chance to experience a mysterious world that so few humans get to see firsthand. aquarius reef base is an undersea laboratory (n. 實驗室) and habitat (n. 棲息地) located about 4.5 miles (7.24 kilometers) off the coast of key largo, florida. it sits in a sandy area near a coral reef, about 60 feet (18.29 meters) below the ocean\'s surface.
aquarius is owned by the national oceanic and atmospheric administration (noaa) and is operated by florida international university. scientists live in the aquarius for 10 to 14 days at a time. there, they have the chance to spend 8 hours a day in the ocean without having to return to the surface. aquarius is equipped with a shower, a toilet, a microwave, a refrigerator, puters, and inter connection. the vessel measures about 43 feet (13 meters) long and 9 (2.7 meters) feet wide. since 1993, more than 115 missions have been pleted on aquarius!
one of the greatest benefits to scientists working in aquarius (often known as \”aquanauts\”) is that they do not need to surface regularly, the way scuba divers do. depression (n. 減壓) sickness is always a risk to scuba divers. also known as \”the bends,\” it is the result of the pressure (n. 壓強) differences deep underwater and at the surface. mon symptoms are joint pain (n. 關節(jié)疼痛), rashes, headaches, and dizziness. in severe vases, it can result in death. aquanauts do not need to surface after a dive. they just return to aquarius, which is pressurized. at the end of a mission, the scientists spend about 17 hours undergoing depression. the pressure in aquarius is slowly reduced over that time, so that the scientists can return to the surface without any ill effects.
the goal of the undersea explorer who work and live in aquarius are diverse. the one thing they have in mon is the desire to learn about and protect the oceans. aquarius\'s nearness to a coral reef (n. 珊瑚礁) offers scientists an up-close look at this amazing habitat. coral reefs around the world are threatened by pollution (n. 污染), overfishing, and climate change (n. 氣候變化). scientists can perform experiments, record observations, and take samples that allow them to better understand the reefs and their role in underwater ecosystems (n. 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)). in addition, they can determine the ways that human can best protect the reefs and save them from more damage.
one example of research done on aquarius involves looking at the effect of uv rays on coral. coral produces a chemical that protects it from uv rays. this is similar to the way sunblock protects humans. a decrease in the ozone layer (n. 臭氧層), the result of pollution, is causing uv rays to bee more intense. this means that a coral reef\'s natural protection is no longer as effective as it once was.
going forward, florida international university hopes to offer more educational opportunities via aquarius. what better way to create enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility for the oceans than to allow students to closely observe what is at risk classes are already sometimes taught in real time from aquarius. there are several observation windows, so a simple inter connection can allow students the experience of watching the undersea activities around the lab.
1. what causes \”the bends\”
2. aquarius is currently located off the coast of __________. (填空題)
3. what kind of research can aquanauts do on the nearby coral reef
書友正在讀: 酷蓋變娘子 大話天鵝湖 都市邪神 我知道你暗戀我 女配等死日常[穿書] 巔峰戰(zhàn)醫(yī) 煉氣五千年方羽 歐皇她在生存游戲颯爆了 丹宮之主 最強管理員 嫡女驚華 盜墓之從聽雷開始 男主總想以下犯上(快穿) 三十五度藍 將軍她嬌軟易推倒 城管無敵 [ABO]上將家的垂耳兔 竹馬學弟是嬌氣病美人 豪門天醫(yī)何生秦靜 超級高手艷遇記 湊齊四個怪可以王炸 綠茶的驚悚直播間 走出十里坊 主攻之男主為什么甩不掉(快穿) 裝人魚的鮫人成了萬人迷 無上真魔 都市逍遙錄 開局就太強怎么辦 我才不要當女武神 穿越紅樓:誰說黛玉只會嚶嚶嚶 顧惜厲慕辰 今天也在暗戀你 戰(zhàn)神仙尊 心墳 君心為盼,歲月已晚 獸愛強歡 甜蜜霸寵:惡魔老公惹不起 擁有你是我最美人生傳奇 請叫我經(jīng)紀女王[娛樂圈] 我釣了海王的魚 女神的貼身神醫(yī)秦風 名門嫡女:權寵嬌妃 蛇王青云 萬界大起源 合歡宗的劍修[穿越] 摸魚不成只好拯救世界了[穿書] 說好背叛我的人都愛上我了[快穿] 妾本驚華 被系統(tǒng)逼著健身后我逆襲了 我攻略了我自己[無限] 騎士:從Faiz開始的守護 陌上流年殤 重生之黑道女學生 論掰彎情敵的正確姿勢 魔帝纏寵:廢材神醫(yī)大小姐 快穿之蛇蝎美人 公主是尊菩薩[重生] 空降門客——我靠抱上金大腿逆風翻盤 對街的咖啡店 曖昧小農民 琉璃暮色雪霧 塞上曲 作者/ZYDZYD 無限升級之惡魔皇帝 有你世界滿分甜 我在鎮(zhèn)魔司斬妖三十年 劍道神尊 夏傷涼涼 快穿之玉梯橫體青亙 離婚也是她提的 甜爆!清冷影帝又被大神欺負了 當病嬌遭遇悶騷 他們對我一見傾心[快穿] 《枯木逢春》 最強的御獸師從 明月萬安 你是天上星 陸四爺,別強撩 帶著紅警系統(tǒng)闖天下 離婚那是不可能的 我的極品班主任秦守 Justin母上大人 周隊今天又真香了 我靠打臉渣男在戀綜爆紅了 先生,我的紅薯個大保甜 巔峰人生劉洋免費讀深海游龍txt 網(wǎng)游之蓋世大魔王 媚惑之說:戀上黑道邪魅王子 我死后,成了全修真界的白月光 天上人間月有陰晴圓缺 [綜英美]有種你放馬過來! 豪門崛起:總裁的千億寵兒 與君攜手約 小糖O穿到正常世界 魏逆 被系統(tǒng)禁言的我超想談戀愛 靈氣覆蘇:這人的獸魂進化太快了 霸天武神 陸少的千金貴妻藍欣陸浩成 覆仇寶:踹了黑道壞爹地 無敵從鋼鐵俠開始 參加同學婚禮,當場逮捕新娘 幕后大教皇 賴上豪門舅舅 乖軟小漂亮心如死灰后 我死后帝君火葬場了 戀戀成癮 術式與中式恐怖的適配性 從魔神戰(zhàn)爭歸來的鳴人 沒見過霸總那么慘 出軌的誘惑 極品獵美 不算錯過 紅塵九月風 最強男秘 渣男撒嬌耍賴要洗白(快穿) 炮灰渣A,在線養(yǎng)家 快穿:瘋批宿主是個憨憨,總心軟 我的波塞冬 [清穿]端敏公主的團寵日常 報告娘娘,暴君他有讀心術祝無歡鳳長夜 龍傲天的發(fā)小有話要說(總攻) 秦時之諸天 軍工大亨:從賽博企業(yè)到全球寡頭 桃花無數(shù) 最強召喚爆三國 我哥超強 戰(zhàn)錘王座之劍筆趣閣 玄幻天道曝光:我的重瞳藏不住了 攻略后是修羅場[快穿] 極道:從捕快開始的橫推人生 回到古代當皇帝石佛 [鉆石王牌]就在頂端再次相遇 知道我是女生,她好開心【續(xù)】 修真從穿越三年開始 清軍大營中的女犯 快穿萬人迷:綠茶女配爽翻了! 芙蓉帳 溫香軟玉by白樹森林 我有99件先天至寶 噓!莫言欲(語) 斗羅2:諸神之主 清冷學長被頂級Alpha覬覦了 遠方未遠,呎尺之距 回到74年的我,卻覺醒神豪系統(tǒng) 魔王的N種死法[西幻] 駕崩三次,朕不服! 新婚表演 卿卿覆卿卿 嬌妃如荷(重生) 追溯到天荒