living online: a brief history
humans have been able to municate across long distances for more than a century. fire telegraphs (n. 電報) and then telephones carried our conversations along wires from city to city. with the advent of radio, wires were no longer necessary. suddenly, we could speak with people anywhere on earth--or even in space, as with astronauts heading to the moon. however, none of these technologies changed the way we municate with each other as much as the inter has. although we still spend much of our day speaking face-to-face with those around us, we also municate more and more via texts, e-mails, and social media sites. has this change been for the better
the history of social media is intertwined with the history of the inter and the world wide web. without the ease of munication they provide, social media could not exist as we know it. the inter began when scientists studied how to share rmation between puters. by 1969, researchers had found a way to use telephone lines to send packets of data between puters. when four puters were linked via phone lines, the arpa was born. the arpa grew quickly, as more and more puters were added to its work. in 1972, the arpa was no longer a tool only for science and research. an e-mail could contain whatever message the sender wanted it to convey. it might be important scientific rmation, but it also could be a request for business forms, a silly joke, or an invitation to a lunch date.
as the arpa and its e-mail capabilities reached a much wider group of users (n. 用戶), it grew into what we call the inter today. however, the inter during the 1980s was still very different from what we are familiar with now. it was mostly text-based and did not use images. a major innovation (n. 創新) urred in 1991 when tim berners-lee developed the world wide web. he created a system of \”pages\” that would appear on the inter. each page contained links to other \”pages.\” berners-lee\'s idea took hold quickly, and the inter was transformed in just a few years into the web as we know it now.
as the web\'s abilities to share rmation developed throughout the 1990s, so did people\'s ideas about how to put those capabilities to use. if anything we did in the \”real\” world could be transformed into something done in the \”virtual\” world of the inter, someone found a way to do it. by the 2000s, the list of things that could be done online was massive: working, banking, buying, selling, listening to music, watching videos, playing games, and, of course, keeping in touch with friends and family.
social media sites rose in popularity. facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest, youtube, and so many others have provided places for us to share our lives online. you can take a photo with your phone, and with a few touches to the screen, your photo can be shared with the entire world. to a limited degree, you can control who will see what you post, but here is no guarantee of privacy.
that is the trade-off with social media: munication is easier than ever, but we live our lives in a much more public way. instead of mailing 1,000 letters or calling 1,000 people to let them know about a business venture or a political idea, a single online post can easily reach that many people. however, those 1,000 people--or even more--may also see the embarrassing photo your friend took of you, or read a snarky (adj. 刻薄的), unkind ment you made in a moment of anger.
our private and public selves are no longer as distinct as they used to be. being aware of this reality is the key to getting the most out of social media--and avoiding the worst.
1. what are two ways in which arpa is similar to the inter we use today
2. what are two ways in which arpa is different to the inter we use today
3. which of the following best describes the author\'s point of view
a. if the arpa had not been developed, we would still be municating mostly via radios and telephones.
b. the inter and social media sites provide certain conveniences, but we have also lost some of the privacy we had in the past.
c. the inter and, in particular, social media sites are dangerous, and they should be used as little as possible.
d. if the world wide web had not been developed, the inter would have remained a safer, more private place to exchange rmation.
4. the author states that the \”history of social media is intertwined with the history of the inter.\” what evidence does the author provide to support this idea is this evidence sufficient to support the author\'s idea
書友正在讀: 明末邊軍一小兵 亡靈傳說之游魂 一篇狗血虐渣文[快穿] 炮灰重生后只想歲月靜好 韓三千蘇迎夏 諸天之龍脈巫師 在點家文里女裝 美好鄉村 向往的生活之我是藥神 鬼胎十月 這Omega吻得太兇[穿書] 都市玄門醫圣 開局推演流水碎巖掌,被妹妹直播曝光了 快穿:男神,有點燃! 林詩瑤陸霆驍 和反派聯姻后我爆紅了[穿書] 絕對禁區(骨科)林成零 流星武神 刑偵:禁地玫瑰 言教授要撞壞了筆趣閣 水墨田居小日子 瘋了吧!你管這個叫賜福? 透視高手 忍界金榜:開局被曝光是宇智波 重生82之商業帝國 我的重生太穩健了 流氓小兵 天狐王傳說 洪荒之太上老子 原來總裁是竹馬 都市醫圣兵王楊業 全文 開局化身神明 雙姝 一夜強寵,惡魔總裁索歡不愛 家養小王妃 超能學霸[重生] 頂A相逢,誰勝? 白月光女配不想營業卻爆紅了 驅魔 [策藏]對不起,您焦點的用戶已經重生 紅樓行[綜紅樓] 蛇王的小鳳凰今天掉馬了嗎 亂世田園:我家夫君重生了鄭清淺墨成章 將軍好媚 印瑤vs慕炎烈 師叔個個都是狼 葬漢 穿書女配靠重生升級金手指 主神快穿:病嬌boss太會寵 武俠:從七俠鎮走出的絕世高手 沈年花惜落 天價萌寶,媽咪有毒 南國玫瑰[亂世佳人] 靈阿 落水狗 蛇與龍(bl) 【修真np】我欲成神 邊緣玩家 眉間心上 為臣(古言 1V1 高H) 離婚后被多個渣男給上了(H) 小爺要撲倒 初來嫁到 木葉之忍者人生 炮灰覺醒后被男主盯上了 快穿女配:男主劇情都被撩崩了 愛讀書屋app下載安裝,愛讀書屋(小說神器)安裝包手機版下載v1.0.0 盛寵七七 異界之風流一生 萌妻歸來:首席老公悠著點 我的極品總裁 行走江湖之我是盟主夫人 葉辰和秦洛雪是哪部小說的男主角 我師父是狠人女帝 邪惡狂想曲 我叫術士 村妞算卦記 穿書后和頂流對家he了 婚心計②:前妻賴上門 總裁是個寵妻狂宋星辰慕霆蕭 嗨,檢察官 火影之英雄爭霸 快穿:黑化病嬌總想誘拐我 替嫁嬌妻是啞巴溫嫻霍止寒 白月光修成最強女魔頭 最強領主升級系統 盜墓手記 封林周子穎 史上第一姑爺 閃婚后,發現首富的孩子是我生的 穿成渣A后女主都愛我 仙衍錄 重生女主播 被匹配到星際豪門當貴婦 絕世圣尊 在娃綜擺爛后,我爆紅了 江上三秋 星際第一通緝犯[快穿] 你好胖子 [海賊]危險人物 劇情總是在崩壞 參加同學婚禮,當場逮捕新娘 斗羅之金龍逆世 趁月色去見你 師父他非要收我為徒 因為特別所以喜歡 大秦:開局簽到十倍呂布戰力 快穿之寵妻如命 仙妖奇譚 嫁給病嬌廠督沖喜 空間種田:糙漢的仙妻全家寵 咸魚親媽在娃綜靠算命爆火 跟喬爺撒個嬌喬斯年 諸天求生:只有我能看到寶箱 穿到八零年代搞科研 元家有女名林希 你都1000級了外面最高30級等級劃分 夢中強吻女帝,被找上門了怎么辦 開局薩爾滸,翻盤難度有點大 夫君兇猛,如狼似虎 總裁獵愛小嬌妻:烈吻99次 我見猶憐 愛你甘愿為妃 銀河盡頭的小飯館 全家共用一妻 想把你和時間藏起來 24平米 醫妃萌寶逆襲成凰 把裝乖竹馬養成暴躁老婆 快穿之你看起來很好c 最高權限 甩了影帝的女人 修仙從鍛造開始 最后的三國2興魏 溺于月色 共享天賦:同時穿越諸天世界 洪荒:我哥白澤絕不是廚道大能 武動神尊 港夜沈迷 乖乖 萬年前的我依舊是團寵 末日降臨 蕭峰的勵志生活 慕生 黑化男主為何這樣[快穿] [sherlock]是我的,別動! 莫沫含情 穿越成夫夫 主神的祭師 被杰克蘇O帶球跑了 千萬種風情