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Worth a Thousand Laughs(1 / 1)

worth a thousand laughs

grayson stared into the mirror and laughed. his little sister, emily, had certainly had a good time \”decorating\” his face. bright red lipstick was smeared around his mouth haphazardly (adv. 隨意地), large circles of rouge (n. 腮紅) adorned each cheek, and his eyelids were painted dark blue. she had even attached a couple of his mother\'s clip-on earrings to his ears. grayson thought he looked hilarious, and he knew his best friends, alexander, would agree, so he pulled out his phone to take a selfie (n. 自拍). grayson pursed his lips, cocked his head, and took the picture. he added the caption, \'here\'s my long-lost sister, kylie!\' and he sent off the photograph to alexander.

after carefully washing the makeup off, grayson headed downstairs to help his dad with dinner. as he set the table, his phone began buzzing. he pulled the phone out of his pocket and chuckled at alexander\'s text: \”lol! ur a goof!\” grayson stuffed the phone back in his pocket and headed into the kitchen to pour drinks for dinner.

the following morning started out normally enough, as grayson and alexander met at their usual corner and headed off together to school. they were running a few minutes late, so when they arrived, grayson headed straight for his locker to grab the materials he needed for the first class. that was when he got the first inkling (n. 暗示) that things weren\'t going to be normal that day after all.

christopher anderson stood at his locker across the hall from grayson and called out, \”hey, pretty boy, where\'s your sister\” several students surrounding christopher cackled (v. 咯咯地笑) along with him and they all bumped fists.

as grayson traveled down the hall, a group of girls heading in the opposite direction were whispering to each other. grayson noticed one of them point to him as they all started giggling.

grayson\'s first class was pre-algebra with mr. henkins, and as the teacher explained how to solve equations with one variable, something brushed past grayson\'s face and landed quietly in his lap. he glanced down to find a crumpled (adj. 皺巴巴的) piece of paper lying there. when he unfolded it, he discovered a scribbled (adj. 潦草的) drawing of a woman\'s face with the words \”kiss! kiss!\” scrawled underneath it. grayson slumped dejectedly (adj. 沮喪地) in his chair and wished he were invisible.

for the remainder of the morning, grayson continued receiving ments, sideways glances, and snickers. he attempted to brush off the ments by replying, \”yeah, i\'m a really funny guy, aren\'t i ha, ha.\” but he was embarrassed by the attention, especially for something as silly as that photograph. how could everyone have seen it he had sent it to just one person!

in the cafeteria at lunchtime, grayson finally saw alexander again. by this time, his embarrassment had escalated into anger. \”how many people did you send that photograph to i didn\'t say you could send it to anyone else!\”

\”man, i am so sorry,\” alexander apologized sheepishly. \”i only sent it to sebastian because i didn\'t think you\'d care if he saw it. he thought it was super funny, just like we did, but he must have sent it to someone else, and they sent it to someone, and on it went, like dominoes falling. pretty soon, almost everybody in our grade apparently got the photograph. grayson, i promise you, i did not mean for that to happen.\”

grayson inhaled deeply, and then exhaled a long breathe. he knew he couldn\'t really blame alexander. if he didn\'t want anyone to see the photograph, he shouldn\'t have sent it in the first place, because once it was out there, there was no getting it back or controlling where it would go next.

\”don\'t sweat it,\” grayson assured his friend. \”it\'s on me for not knowing better what might happen. i guess i\'ll just have to be kylie for awhile, at least until the next thing es along to grab everyone\'s attention.\”


1. who is the protagonist in this story

2. does this story have an antagonist

3. is this a realistic story

4. is this story set in the past, present, or future

5. why does grayson share the photo

6. what does alexander mean when he says the way the photo was shared around school was \”like dominoes falling\”

7. what does the story tell you about grayson\'s character

8. a fable is a folktale with a lesson. fables usually end with a moral, which is a short sentence that sums up the lesson of the story. what is a moral for this story

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書友正在讀: 撩到你心動 既然你,喜歡我[快穿] 偏執皇帝的黑月光師尊[重生] 惡魔書 震驚,我被女帝搶婚 重生民國:成為紈绔子弟 植魔師 我成了BOSS祖師爺 狂婿重生之2000 無敵長生者 末日全民游戲 渣攻他怎么還不虐我 家族修仙,我家手機穿越了 我以詩歌斬妖除魔 丑女如菊 洪荒:我成了反派圣人 反派你不要過來啊[穿書] 南宋異聞錄 九天神龍訣 絕地戰神 青蛇:姐姐,這個許仙我要了! 我的貓系女友 謝家小閻王 瓦洛蘭之小兵傳奇 禁區 團寵小奶包,兇又萌! 被前男友逼著修仙后我跑了 黑科技學霸 我把圖書館上交了 俊男坊 反派頭上有點綠[快穿] 后果自負 勾搭舍友弟弟的正確方法 重生成龜:開局被孫大圣撿到林放孫悟空 暖男好夫君任性小娘子 文武百官每天搬磚養我(基建) 崛起民國:我!亂世梟雄 穿越抗戰之軍閥兒子 心有所屬 鶴鳴之山 年下弟弟心思太野太會撩 青春期兒女 開局覺醒變異異能 穿到異世界后被獸人養了 從零開始的傳承系統 我被魔女們囚禁了 后背上的虞美人刺青 菜葉金枝 霸總他從書中來 陳青末,新年快樂 我叫孟婆 神秘嬌妻養成記 超級至尊系統 你到底懷的哪門子孕[穿書] 笨蛋嬌嬌萬人迷,壞男人們搶瘋啦 必齊與江(1v1) 步步勾婚:神秘老公輕點寵 穿成異能大佬后我出道了 漂亮女領導 周央蔣硯 重生之庶女為王 寵婚 劉大壯 讀心術:滿門抄斬?我全家造反 米蟲的春天 諸天文明記 竹馬×竹馬 極度愛 尸王私寵,白蓮花上位記 反派紙片人懷了我的崽崽 諸天我為霸 三十歲婚姻危機 被影帝盯上了 偷看月亮 為了保命我只好掰彎她們 影視:正義公敵 爹地,媽咪她颯爆了全球蘇芊月楚景晨 問鼎四方 生不對,死不起 從末世回來后我變成了小白臉 華山學宮 貴妃她總想帶崽跑路 燭龍的白月光竟是我自己 可是他叫我寶貝誒[校園] 走上巔峰 無敵從墳墓里醒來開始 穿成古代種田文女配 千億雙寶堵上門寧熙戰斯爵 純情咖啡館 抗戰之武裝召喚 一拍兩散全文 簡單一卦,認罪又伏法[香江九零] 太子病 be后紙片人對我念念不忘 男厲鬼要為將軍生兒育女 野格甜度 邪帝盛寵妻:嗜血御獸魔妃 穿成女帝后放飛自我 穿書后我成為暴君的愛寵 穿書后我和溫柔男配HE了 心若澄明 豪門重生:法醫嬌妻別黑化 小貓咪要不要嘗一下啦 武魂殿之第一巔峰斗羅 云海:紅鸞星動 借我聞一下信息素 死對頭成了孩子他爸后 不朽古帝 癡纏 步步淪陷,這替身我不當了 修仙:我的技能有詞條 桃源小神農 臨高臺 白宛靈君瀾小說名字 重生之現代覆仇聯盟 追星切錯號了怎么辦 我的醫生媽媽林沐卿 (綜)奇怪的食譜又增加了 a型血和b型血生的孩子是什么血型呢 降臨諸天萬界 明宮舊事(sp訓誡) 隔離日記(年下1v1) 反派:禁區神子!我狩獵天命大道 初初見你 后宮奴 甜瘋了!顧先生寵妻一擲千億 永遠 他蓄謀已久 快穿之憨憨宿主又在洗白反派 悍將王爺的棄妾 第一次行醫就看到天媚之體 乞兒成長記之江湖悲歌 反派:開局強娶主角師尊,我無敵 兩界穿梭覓長生 四面佛 一胎四寶:孩兒媽是女神老師 我的貓成精了還四處聲稱他是我老公 輔國郡主 書院的故事 異世陽光農場 重生毒妃一笑,兇猛殘王折了腰 我小鮮肉,娛樂圈老阿姨真香啊 虎吼 知否武勛 反派男主總想殺我 近似愛人 被綠后,好兄弟要和我談戀愛? 慕昭謠 唯橘而修 江湖絕殺令