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背景色: 關燈 護眼
首頁 > Stay With Me (home is where your mind is > Chapter 2 (5)

Chapter 2 (5)(1 / 2)

※i do miss them.§

sj nods. ※you probably miss tony a lot, right?§

steve falters, the words hitting him like a smack in the mouth. for a moment he wonders why sj is singling out tony to ask about, but then it dawns on him; if he hangs around stephanie and seven who ended up marrying tony, then there*s a pretty damn high probability that he*s heard a fair bit about him.

※a bit,§ he says shortly, which is probably the truth. despite spending hours pondering over the multi-verse*s answers to the relationship between him and tony, he still can*t exactly pinpoint how he feels about his tony. who isn*t his tony, most definitely not.

sj notices his pause. ※did you fight with him?§

steve breathes out, rubbing his eyebrow with his thumb and staring down at the chessboard. ※yeah,§ he opts for saying. ※but it*s okay. when i get back we can sort it out.§

sj nods slowly, though he doesn*t look entirely convinced. ※if you actually properly die, will you stay here?§

steve grimaces. ※hadn*t thought about it,§ he says honestly, and now he*s probably not going to think about anything else in the near future. great.

※sj, stop badgering him,§ a voice says, and steve looks up to see themander walking over. ※go and find the rest of the younglings. we*re having a meeting.§

sj doesn*t move. ※why are you having a meeting?§

※none of your business,§ themander says, and reaches out to grab sj under his arms, swinging him down off the back of the sofa. he gives him a gentle nudge towards the doorway. ※go on. younglings.§

※fine,§ sj grumbles. ※i*ming back in an hour though.§

※deal,§ themander says.

※younglings?§ steve queries.

※the other young ones. anyone under eighteen,§ themander tells him. ※they tend to stick together. except this one, this one seems to be glued to shield.§

※am not,§ sj says, but he does as bid and goes. ※see you later.§

steve watches him go and then turns to themander. ※meeting?§

he nods. ※people want briefing on the situation,§ he says seriously. ※want to know how you got here. maybe talk about what we can do to get you home.§

steve nods, though feels a little taken aback that he's not been the one to initiate the conversation about finding a way to get him sent back to the right universe. ※really?§

themander nods, turning away and walking back across the room towards the kitchen area. he picks up a sheaf of papers that someone has left and glances at them before tossing them back onto the counter. ※of course. you*re not dead yet, you need to get home.§

gratitude swells in steve*s chest and he nods, following themander*s path across the room. he*s not daft enough to feel hopeful just yet though, but he*s certainly not going to give up. he idly pushes at the papers themander just left; it*s a collection of sketches rough and unfinished. the top one is of clint in full hawkeye mode, arrow nocked and ready to fly. the second is also clint, perched up high on what looks like the arm of a crane. he pushes them to the side and spots another familiar face with bright wicked eyes and a neatly trimmed beard, a smudge of dirt across a cheekbone, a warm and genuine smile-

he hurriedly shoves the stack of papers straight again, the sketches of clint covering the one of tony. his fingers linger, flicking at the edge of the papers, tempted to flick through the rest and see who is there, if there*s other people or more drawings of those eyes and that smile.

he slides the papers away from himself along the counter and firmly ignores the wave of sadness and grief that he feels. part of him wants to sit and stare at the familiar faces all day long. he clears his throat, straightening up. ※who*sing?§ he asks themander.

※as many people as we can gather without the director noticing,§ themander says, stepping over to the window and looking out.

※the director,§ steve repeats cautiously. ※i get the feeling that*s not a wee name around here.§

※no,§ themander says shortly.

※but he*s still#one of us?§

※yes,§ themander says, and he turns to face the doorway and steve hears the sound of boot-steps and voices on the stairwell. steve thinks there*s more to this director business than themander is letting on, but before he can ask seven and eight walk into the room 每 eight looking more tolerable than he did yesterday 每 followed by another five steves. violet is there, as is ice, and steve recognises the steve in the olive-green uniform with the bullet hole in the breast, but the two others both appear new and different.

※steve rogers ny ny one, died on a european mission for shield and steve forty eight twenty, drowned trying to save some kids,§ themander fills in helpfully. ※dresden and hudson.§


書友正在讀: 兩小有猜:腹黑竹馬太危險 十月陰胎 龍王傳說:系統就會坑我 想戀你呀 全球巔峰時代 都市無雙狂少 都市超級邪醫 神奇寶貝之第五天王 再一次2010 朝天闕 我!基建狂魔 天資愚鈍 龍帥葉不凡徐清婉 位面商人之強國夢 都市之至尊神醫 食戟之冒牌小當家 火影之強者之道 我在無限流里當團寵 g上癮h宋涼向周 紅杏人妻圖鑒 凡女逑仙 浪潮洶涌(高H、短篇合集) 從山賊開啟修仙 大荒蠻神 淫悅假期 劍尊葉玄 漫威:從細胞概念提取開始 晴天 異域神州道 皎娘 大叔你家萌妻開掛了 空間農女:棄婦再嫁高門 正經修仙的我卻畫風清奇 蟲族之攻無不克 我的冥王夫君 總有妖怪想吃我 秦檸顧言 C語言修仙 榮華貴女 四合院:傻柱的別樣人生 帶著游戲回古代 雛菊吻 惹怒偏執太子后 特殊怪異事件 戰少,太太又逃婚了 萬界之最強呂布 每晚坐等皇后營業 秋至 在漫威的霍格沃茨修仙 愛豆抱回家 獨代神棍 暴君的人參小皇后 [AOB]獨一無二 萬界之大佬都是我兒子 V5受君們的萌寵攻 快穿這個反派太穩健 吻痕 直播之悠閑山村生活 喜結良漢 九歲小魔醫- 乘風少年吳崢林夏 七零凝脂美人 前任帶我打職業[電競] 陛下有喜︰攝政王爺要上位 驚!邪神在我腳邊撒潑打滾耍無賴 我在秋斬刑場當縫尸人那些年 誘愛:霸道總裁的失憶前妻 末世修真[重生] 浮生三千只愛你 被迫嫁給暴君之后 重生之苦盡甘來 Blast-0817 人生處處是劇透 年下能有什么壞心思 京港蝶眠 團寵錦鯉小福寶 重生:回到老婆和兒子死亡前一天 錄春冊之淫姬傳 我,網球大魔王,打造最強時代 一不小心靠近你 家養九尾狐 偏執景總的小奶包 相夫(出書版) 卿云舒卷浮青嶂 穿去地府選個夫 夫人你家boss超偏執 不想當白月光的白蓮花不是好宿主 崩壞世界的逐火律者 半推半就 任平生 港綜:曹達華在我身邊臥底 天降萌寶求抱抱 寫給醫生的報告 西游:從獅駝嶺開始崛起 從亮劍開始當老師 心靈小飯館[美食] 快穿之男友跑路了 情動心弦 預言者 大冒險告白被接受了怎么辦 真實副本 蘇玖黃埔爵 誘癮 穿成虐文女主怎么破 許大茂的妖孽人生 女主和惡毒女配在一起了(快穿) 賣火箭的小女孩[星際] 三 民國探案追夫日常 絕世毒尊 殘王的落跑小撩精 修羅劍神 儒劍仙 情S誘惑(NP,高H) 悍婦修煉之路 選擇門門果實,八門遁甲轟動全國 穿成貓后我在各個世界爆紅 【灰喜】過度逃亡 [快穿]情不自矜 剋星(1 v 1 H) 綺綺(兄妹偽骨科1v1) 縛塵(仙俠NP 高H)全處全潔 從超神學院開始當王 渣男一枚 軍少夜寵:小甜妻,乖! 老板娘的貼身保鏢 每天一個虐詭小技巧! 舔狗反派只想茍女主不按套路走我是憤怒 他們對我餓意值100%[快穿] 表白被拒沒關系,我還有三個天降 廠公請就位 顫抖吧渣渣顫抖吧渣男們by粗眉毛 我綁定了神靈抽獎系統 日暮見笙歌 千年淚 咸魚女配只想開飯堂 昨日忘我 原著誤我簡介 [咒回乙女]我,和貓,和老師 楚楓 神殉:羊圖霸業 反派洗白指南[穿書] 我的下屬腦子壞掉了 漫威:從扮演怪盜基德開始 君子似歸 姐控反派在綜藝狂吹彩虹屁 原來你在燈火闌珊處 死遁成了白月光![蟲族] 在咒術高專當團寵 豪門女配,吃瓜爆紅 丫頭別再囂張