※wonderful,§ steve says flatly. ※i*ll cross swimming and backpacking around europe off my to-do list.§
themander doesn*t quite smile, but his lips twitch slightly and maybe that*s as much as steve can hope for. ※if you*re writing off everything that has ever killed a version of us across the multiverse, you*ll have to stop doing a lot.§ he pauses, mouth twisted contemplatively. ※and that would also negate the idea of sending you back to stark.§
steve groans, leaning forwards over the counter on his elbows and pressing his hands to the sides of his face. ※every four damn seconds and ites back around to tony,§ he says. ※which one of us was killed by tony stark, then?§
themander doesn*t even blink. ※literally, figuratively, or inadvertently?§
※you know, i don*t even want to think about tony anymore,§ steve says abruptly, and themander holds up his hands in a placating gesture.
luckily, more steves enter the room at that point, distracting them from the conversation. robot-arm steve is there, along with the steve in the green uniform. two more blue-suited steve*s follow, and then a gaggle of shorter-steves. minutes behind are a group of steve*s who all seem to be from the war, followed closely by two wearing the same navy uniform as stephanie and shield. there*s even one wearing a sharp black suit and tie, who wanders in alongside the steve who is barefoot and in sweats. very soon the whole apartment is full, and steve is now so over it that he doesn*t even bat an eyelid, not even at the steve who has a suit the same as his own and a blatant bullet hole in his temple.
steve looks up, moving his eyes without bothering to lift his head from his hands. he probably looks sullen and moody but he can*t bring himself to care. it*s seven who has stepped up, and steve*s eyes automatically flick to his collar where he knows the wedding ring lies hidden.
※yeah,§ steve says, and forces himself to straighten up, suddenly feeling exhausted. ※i*m alright.§
they blatantly know he*s lying but they don*t call him on it. they just exchange a glance and then seven moves to stand next to stephanie, and steve wonders if they*ve bonded over their mutual marrying-tony thing. they*re quite blatantly as crazy as each other, so it*s highly probable.
two more steve*s wander in 每 one in a modern sand-camouflage military uniform and one wearing jeans, a blue shirt and a black baseball cap 每 and then themander walks over and shuts the door. the one called dresden peers out of the window, scans the street and then gives themander a thumbs up.
※right, some sort of attention would be nice,§ themander calls, and everyone shuffles around and falls quiet. steve expects him to start talking but instead he turns expectantly to shield, who nods and steps forwards next to steve, arms folded across his chest.
※most of you have heard, but a steve rogers joined us yesterday and he*s not dead,§ shield says bluntly, and a murmur goes through the assembled crowd. ※he received a life-threatening injury before blacking out and waking up here, fully aware and still with a pulse. so far we don*t know how or why, so if anyone has experienced anything similar in their universe, we*d like to know. also, there*s the matter of the director. this is something that he*ll probably take an interest in, so be on your guard.§
a rumble goes through the assembled crowd. ※does he already know?§ the steve with the metal arm asks.
※we don*t know,§ themander fills in gravely. ※just assume he will find out and he will try and get involved. back to the problem in hand 每 has anyone ever heard of anyone passing through the multiverse like this?§
※only deadpool,§ a voice from the back calls, and someone groans.
※we are not taking deadpool as an example,§ an exasperated voice replies. ※he*s nuts.§
※agreed,§ themander replies.
shield looks around. ※so no one has any idea as to how this has happened? not seen anything similar?§
there are a few &nos* and several head shakes, and steve feels his heart sink.
※damn,§ shield murmurs. ※we*ll keep asking, but for now it looks like we*ll have to wait and see if they can pull you back from your side.§
※who is on your side?§ a voice asks.
※the avengers,§ steve says. ※bruce banner, clint barton, natasha romanov, thor and tony stark.§
※you*ll be fine,§ a steve in a blue suit says to him, sounding almost dismissive. ※if anyone can get you back it*s tony.§
some of the steves make noises of agreement, and a fair few look sceptical. for his part, steve wishes vehemently that they would talk about someone else for a change.
※maybe,§ he says tightly, because half of him aches for it to be true, knowing that tony is probably his best hope. the other half still doesn*t know how to feel about tony and this entire mess, even more so now he knows that some versions of himself have gotten far too involved with the guy.
※not likely,§ a voice interjects, and steve lifts his head to see seven, stephanie and some of the others scowling at eight, who stares back defiantly.
※just because your tony stark was an asshole to you doesn*t mean his will give up on him,§ stephanie snaps, and jesus, she might as well have punched him in the face. eight*s cheekbones go a blotchy pink with anger.
※tony wi
書友正在讀: 我每天都在攻略太子 我爸和我男友都重生了 重生空間種田 一壓定禽 王妃真給力 我不想當備胎啊 風升傳 劍種 國運:扮演金木研,隊友白月魁! 蘭若仙緣 網游降臨開局萬倍獎勵 網游之血色法師 斗羅之寂滅雷霆 狂妻來襲:莫爺,離婚吧! 我只是一個支教老師 斗羅之百萬級人生 余生有幸等到你唐心顏 皇道金丹 抗戰之猛將召喚 我在羅德島當內奸 斬尾(H) 足球盛宴,從收購歐洲俱樂部開始 少女大召喚 網游之死靈法師 萬人迷穿成作死炮灰后 鄉村小神醫傻子全文免費閱 超級修真保鏢 我的魔教圣女大人 養弟 帝王之友 論掃尾工作的重要性(快穿) 史上最強仙二代 高地領主 葉軍浪蘇紅袖 我被前任召喚了 西幻世界也要講科學 電影世界之反派的逆襲 魔尊他又撩翻車了 【ABO】先生,該吃藥了 絕艷無語 雄蟲他一心想種田 烈火雄師 末世之田園農場主 鰥夫靠趕海直播暴富了 廢柴千金,冥王輕點寵 花店老板 真千金總能讓人說實話 快穿之渣攻指南 做我老婆好不好 結婚后我真香了 女法醫手記之破窗 小漂亮拿到萬人迷劇本 撩妻入懷:學霸男神 粉紅佳人 御用造型師 夏日陷情 迷上校霸的信息素 【ABO】夫人他今天也很乖(蘇沫、晏舒寒) 絕非善類 讓黑茶他飄一會兒 與鬼夫書 炮灰替身聯盟 聽說我是渣A?[穿書] 月灣 冥君的坎坷情生 龍套是個瑪麗蘇 全球詭異:我能提取寶箱 愛不可及 大明:開局被迫繼承皇位! 穿成女主后被迫營業 我和野蠻女友換了身體 宿敵他欺世盜名 穿書后我一心談戀愛 王妃不下堂:浴火毒鳳 年下能有什么壞心思 官路爭鋒 挽風香 秋意晚來春 灰色軌跡 權臣夫人不好惹 唯愛獨尊 渺渺 隱門少主 破枷之嵐,天之蒼蒼 大明皇太孫:開局帶爺爺跑路朱壽朱元璋 我在冠軍隊打網球 妖孽狂少 通關吧,主角! 成為了無限游戲美人npc 嫁金枝 權寵京華 神秘覆蘇之無限鏡像 重生后在偏執大佬懷里撒野 夫人她不要我了 炮灰修士渡魔之后 遲來深情列表 論如何正確的用一個腦子打敗所有對手 氣泡月光七分糖 日久見人心不古 炮灰美人師父覺醒了 賽博朋克:我有熟練度面板 一葉知秋 穿成男主的黑月光哥哥 安好晴天 非正經捕靈師 一胎三寶:神醫狂妃,太難寵 老婆今天又把我忘了 明末:我,孫可望!絕境翻盤! 詭異復蘇:我滿身禁忌殺穿詭域 天光 一劍吞鴻 朕只想要GDP 我在超神宇宙考古兩萬年 別動我的藍buff[電競] 網游之逍遙派大弟子 全民:合成師,開局合成亡靈大軍 戰國之齊皇 校草大腿主動給我抱 說好懷舊,你把樂壇倒退幾十年 唐少寵妻無度 女帝很輕狂 膝蓋之上(Over the knee) 神豪:開局打卡獎勵千億集團 May the Force be with you 萌寶助攻霸道爹地寵又撩唐知夏席九宸 穿書:我與女主是好閨蜜 上交預言天災手機后 等你落地我們再談 全民末日,我提前十天開始模擬! 童林傳 宿主拒絕治療(快穿) 佛系妖妃,直播宮斗 我的能力是修改文字描述 戀綜女觀察員 四合院開局十萬畝農場 我能無限提升精神屬性 十二個妖怪 蘇紅珊韓夜霖 我的青春校園生活才不要修羅場! 重生后夫人變了 巫師傳奇之旅 從天煞孤星開始趨吉避兇 簽到諸天從笑傲江湖開始 快穿年代之炮灰逆襲 大象塔·尋風 限期花光一個億 快穿寵夫:保護我方炮灰 絡石的闡教生活 佩德的魔法書 在男團磕隊友cp,我社死了