e twenty-first century seem to find necessary. only his heart that still beats away in his chest, the fluttering of his pulse, the warmth in his skin.
※so. how*re you doing?,§ seven asks, shifting to getfortable on the grass. ※i assume not all that great considering the escaping act.§
steve hums nomittally, eyes on the not-quite right arrangement of buildings that make up what should be wall street. ※well, i*ve been asking around, and i*ve found three steves that married peggy carter, ten that married or were involved with someone called sharon, twelve that were invested in relationships with other women, five who admitted to sleeping with bucky and thirty-one who have somehow be involved with tony stark, including two who married him. and that*s not counting the ones who admitted kissing or sleeping with tony whilst involved with someone else.§ he shrugs, fingers pulling at the grass by his hip. ※seems i am an awful cad throughout the multiverse.§
※no, it seems you have a thing for tony stark across the multiverse,§ seven says, unapologetically, turning his face up towards the sun and shutting his eyes. ※it*s not a big deal.§
※for you, maybe,§ steve sighs.
※thought about it?§ seven asks suddenly.
※no,§ steve says abruptly, but he*s not quite sure that*s the truth anymore. his mind keeps drifting towards what if more times than he*sfortable with. he keeps rethinking over everything that*s ever happened between him and tony with this new context in mind, and he*s alarmed to find how easily it could fit together. he knows it*s different to how things are with bruce or clint or any of the others, and he hates that he now recognises it.
※have you really never thought about it?§ seven asks, sounding curious and not altogether convinced.
※no,§ steve groans, flopping down onto his back so all he can see above him is clear blue sky. ※not until now, anyway,§ he continues, raising a hand to shield his eyes from the brightness of the sun. ※and it*s stupid. if i start thinking about it#§ he trails off. ※when i get home, i*m going to be seeing everything differently, even if t- even if everyone else isn*t. it*s going to be awkward enough as it is. what do i say? &hey, tony, remember the time you got me almost killed? well it*s okay because there*s a whole goddamn gang of steve rogers* out there across the multiverse that are actually swooning over you.*§
seven laughs at that, shaking his head. ※i don*t think swooning is the right word,§ he remarks.
steve pauses, squints over at seven who is idly twisting blades of grass between dexterous fingers. he feels the question on the tip of his tongue, wants to force it back down. he doesn*t quite manage it.
※what is the right word then?§
seven breathes out, and it*s clear he knows exactly what steve is asking. ※it wasn*t some instant falling in love thing,§ he says, beginning the explanation that steve still isnt sure he wants. ※it was#he*s like the goddamn sun. so intense, so in your face and just#hell, i don*t even know. it*s not always pretty, and we fight like cats and dogs some days. but we both know that we*re in it together, we*ve always got something underneath it all.§
steve swallows, because that*s exactly how he*d describe tony some days. ※how did you#§ he asks hesitantly. ※how did it change?§
seven smiles crookedly. ※not really sure. we were fighting because there*d been an inter-dimensional breach and we*d been given orders by shield to remain on standby. of course tony didn*t listen and stormed off without me to go and raise hell; i could have throttled him for that.§
※but you didn*t,§ steve says.
seven smiles again, quiet and warm. ※but i didn*t,§ he murmurs.
※and the whole#§ steve ventures. he clears his throat. ※being married, thing?§
※years later. we were fighting,§ seven pauses, grimaces. ※hell, what a broken record. we were fighting about changes to the initiative that the government were proposing, and he made some awfulment about us not actually being on the same side, like he didn*t believe i*d side with him when it mattered. gets right up in my face and has the balls to say &why the hell should i assume we*re on the same side with anything?* i dragged him to the city clerk*s office in brooklyn and walked up to the counter, asked to apply for a marriage licence. the look on his face. i think he thought i was bluffing, so outes the id, he signs the form with this look on his face, like he*s daring me to do it. neither of us backed down, and there we are with this valid licence, and clint*s behind us yelling that we*vepletely lost the plot, bow in hand and scaring the hell out of the woman behind the counter.§
※i*d side with clint,§ steve says, and seven laughs again.
※yeah, everyone else did. i don*t think i*ve ever seen coulson speechless before.§
※and you went through with it?§
seven nods. ※yep. he locked himself in his workshop, i was ready to knock down the damn door and drag him out, but of course there's an alert and i had to go with clint to deal with a situation in michigan. when i got back he was sparring with thor, and the ass turns around and says &if you wanted to pussy out you could have hid in brooklyn, didn*t realise it was that bad that you*d consider detroit as the better option.*§
本章未完,點擊下一頁繼續閱讀書友正在讀: 東京劍圣2077 躍馬大唐 蒸汽紀元1886 第四異世界 首富從談戀愛開始 穿成反派世子爺的親妹妹 穿越之直上青云 巫師王座 僵約:我被馬小玲挖了出來 震驚!他在50年代就是大佬了 直播:開局百億棵梭梭樹 都市超級術士 黃泉走陰人 蕭先生寵妻手冊 偏執溫柔[快穿] 分手后我和前任的CP火了[娛樂圈] 逍遙美男圖 影后重生:帝少大人,求放過 [綜]如何順利轉職 言教授要撞壞了筆趣閣 天下第一戲樓 季小姐的影帝先生季微陸程 吉祥飯館(種田文) 紅樓:黛玉是我的 王者之我帶妹就變強 少將他不想裝Beta了[重生] 簽到五年,震驚整個大唐 神話復蘇:我在山海經斬神! 小妻誘人:老公乖乖就擒 穿書后我嫁給了男主的死對頭 柯學攻略后我哭著修羅場 退婚后皇后成了萬人迷 再世為人 最強廢材系統 從成為龜仙人師兄開始模擬諸天 凰后有旨:帝君,乖一點 無賴郎君俏丫頭 他的掌心痣 海之歌者 小幸運 夏辰蘇晴雪 旅行熊貓:開局帶回響雷果實 三國:天降猛男劉玄德 重回天災囤貨求生 重生最強丹帝葉延 一頭母豬 紅酥手 星際策劃,日入十億 畢業的那年夏天 虹 豪門最強拽姐 諸天女主改命師 反派被女主退婚后 從我死后開始破局 最佳男主角 反派的瘋病我來治(互穿) [綜]圣母養成計劃 回憶裏的舊時光 小惡魔手握黑紅劇本 重歸成神之路 揚鋒漢起 植物專家穿到六零年代 仙福龍緣 荒欲星球 奧特曼之永恒黑暗 總裁的貼身高手 代·殤 嬌妻甜蜜蜜:總裁,有喜了 女婿難當 荊棘王妃(高H調教,1V1) 想他 什么叫開掛型射手啊 重生之娛樂圈大咖重生之娛樂圈大導演吳皓 熱搜頂流 穿成反派帶球白蓮花 浪漫悖論 江山如畫之新月無殤 網游之乾坤至賤 文宗武圣 七零炮灰前妻 重生八零:辣妻不好惹 帶著超市穿越到逃荒路上 變異之音波奇俠 華娛系列導演之王 非人庵 御寵封神紀 最后一只瓢蟲 做太子妃的這件大事 穿成下鄉綜藝里的作精 黑月光她身陷修羅場 戒指 再見紅了眼蘇霆遠 愛上冰冷校花 絕世唐門之雷霆降世 搞事情不如談戀愛 當A被賣入豪門后 禁區探險:小道王也,隊友麒麟小哥 龍族里的野路子劍豪 楚三姑娘茍命日常 離婚后,反派擁我入懷[穿書] 后宮這單位 滿級悟性:神魔陵園掃地百年 這個明星疑是精神病 重生二三事 妻賢 再改我方案試試? 明月入懷 翡色沉沉(輕松甜向NP) 永恒的樂章 武魂城拍賣八蛛矛,比比東上癮了 布衣首輔 初囚 絕世高手 劍中影之十大劍客 穿成七零年代嬌軟小作精 您完全不按套路通關是嗎 她曾手摘月亮 武逆弒九天 斯文敗類 寶可夢之編外天王 魔女收容日志 逆天雙寶:神醫娘親又掉馬了 樂色(都市狗血,1V2) 盜墓從云南蟲谷簽到打卡 撒嬌沛沛最好命 尖白深淵 逍遙花都百香宮 洪荒:我,趙公明,截教內卷王! 見歲 野獸嗅薔薇 六零日子美滋滋[穿書] 疼你千百遍 東宮藏嬌 宋晨蒼修玄 反派:我擺爛后,女主倒追來了 最強美O禁止垂涎[星際] 菅原同學請聽我告白 悄悄心動 小情話【校園H】 獸娘時代:開局契約SSS級校花 超過 蘇氏兄妹 浴火棄少歸來陳風 重生之歸根 離婚后,他竟成了絕世強龍 我的美母蘇雅琴 宋吹 水果味軟糖 紅妝御醫 [韓娛]深紅星屑