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首頁 > Stay With Me (home is where your mind is > Chapter 3 (2)

Chapter 3 (2)(2 / 2)

※oh god,§ steve groans, pressing the heels of his palms to his eyes because he knows exactly where this is going. he can imagine exactly how he*d react to a statement like that.

※yep,§ seven says. ※an hour later and coulson has managed to hustle the guy who used to be the mayor into the tower, natasha has got her hands on a pair of rings that fit damn near perfect, and clint is insisting he gets to be best man and waving a bunch of flowers around. tony glares at me throughout the whole thing, and then after he just says &i don*t do divorce, i*d be a walking clich谷, so suck it up rogers.*§

steve starts to laugh, because really, what else is he supposed to do? ※still in the suit?§ he asks.

※still in the suit,§ seven nods. ※clint tried to pin a veil to the helmet and tony nearly decked him. bruce wore it instead.§

steve just laughs harder, because the mental image is not only bizarre and terrifying butpletely hilarious, and it would be so like him and tony to end up married out of sheer bull-headedness. he thinks his laughter is erring on the side of hysterical, but he thinks it*s perfectly understandable. after a few long moments the laughter fades, and he rubs vigorously at his face with his hands.

※did it work?§ he finally asks, dragging his fingers down over his cheekbones, pressing his fingertips hard to his mouth. ※did you stop fighting?§

seven just looks at him. ※what do you think?§

steve breathes out, looking up at the sky again, thinking about what shield had said regarding seven*s marriage and the aversion of the war that appears to have scarred some universes. ※i think you stopped the serious kind of fighting,§ he says.

※it*s like you think arguments over bagels and whose turn it is to fill in mission reports isn*t serious,§ seven deadpans, and despite the strange twist of some unknown emotion in his gut, steve can*t help but laugh again.

※it probably seems crazy,§ seven says, and that*s not the only word steve would use but he lets it slide. ※but it works. for both of us. for everyone, really.§

steve feels the familiar ache of grief and want twisting painfully. he*s lost everyone before, and god, he doesn*t want to lose this bunch of misfits that he*s been thrown in with this time around. he can*t. though most of it undoubtedly is, it*s not even just about tony; he misses all of them fiercely and unwaveringly.

※you don*t look too traumatised,§ seven remarks with an arched brow.

steve blows out a breath, reading between the lines and knowing what seven is trying to say. ※i*m glad you were happy,§ he says sincerely. ※but that doesn*t mean the same for me.§

seven just looks at him for a moment, before turning his face back up towards the sun, and doesn*t say anything.


tony jumps at the sound of natasha*s voice just behind him, cursing and rubbing his chest with one hand, the other locked around the arm of the cafeteria chair. he unclenches his fingers, heart thudding painfully against the arc reactor.

※how is it even possible for you to sneak up in those on this floor?§ he snaps, and then registers what she*s holding out towards him, his anger vanishing. without a word, he reaches out and taking the bottle of macallans from her, turning it over in his hand and rubbing his thumb against the label.

※the last one?§ he says, mouth twisting contemplatively and ignoring the lump in his throat. he remembers steve sitting at the kitchen counter, seven empty bottles in front of him, the eighth in tony*s hand as he poured out yet another measure. &tony, no,* he*d protested half-heartedly, though he*d looked amused and had drank without an objection, only the same wince and heavy exhale. tony had been laughing by that point out of sheer disbelief, both impressed and a little awed. seven bottles and the only indication that steve*d consumed his own damn bodyweight in alcohol was a slight pink flush to his cheeks, though whether from the booze or amusement, tony hadn*t been able to tell.

he just remembers being secretly pleased beyond measure that steve had been willing to go along with it. in the beginning, steve hadn*t been at all open to humouring tony; it was still pretty hit and miss depending on his mood and exactly what tony was after.

※the last one,§ natasha confirms, and slides into the chair opposite him, leaning back and breathing out deeply.

※thought you would be more of a vodka girl,§ he says.

※she is,§ another voice calls, and tony looks up to see clint walking over, three tumblers grasped between the fingers of one hand and a metal champagne bucket in the other. ※but this,§ he begins, pushing tony*s half-finished meal aside with his elbow, ※was up for grabs and free booze always tastes better.§ he sets the glas

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書友正在讀: 貧道真不想搞錢啊 愛你我就騷擾你 路遇采訪,開局嚇哭女主播 朱雀烙情【純肉。1女N男】 盛世醫香 忘羨在斗羅 婚上作亂 我在超神學院的旅途 精靈之戰斗系統 黑虎修真 骨舟記 我的老爸 諸天:始于雪中 狼群 撩他成癮 唯你至寶 我的天賦有點坑 破身虐妃 裴總的替嫁小嬌妻寧夏 重生小說反派公子哥 神醫天下 武林一中 阮彌箏商為淵 創造真實世界 掌心寵愛 公子他霽月光風 影帝家的碰瓷貓 我在東京當惡少 太一真衍 我把男主和反派都養歪了 他從仙界來 親一下就答應你 強愛,獨家占有 劍宗花瓶宗主暴露拳修本職后 龜仙 好看暖污的校園甜文 全家逼我考天師 綁定國運:扮演首席刺客,隊友狐妖涂涂 等風輕撫你 我的那些美女房客 另一世人生 傾城 山中有只白骨精 我養的反派都掛了[快穿] 纖細的愛 總裁她對我動心了[現代女尊] 誰是和誰一樣的人 獵愛:黑化女神火辣辣 我娘是年代文真千金 鄉野迷情 鄉野透視小村醫 赫梯王后 病少梟寵紈绔痞妻 六零年代小舅媽 (穿越)特工不是攻 我逼對象吃軟飯[快穿] 晨雨微露陶冶心 夏舒呈,你到底是什么人! 危險世界 戒靈記 皇夫+番外 午夜零點零一分 陳舊情人 倒計時自白書 不做壞男孩 白羊座與處女座 殘情虐愛:拒上總裁床 最強師兄系統林城林雪 仙路之殤 雙軌線(姐弟) 這就穿越了 重生嬌寵:天才狂妻颯爆了! 下堂皇后乞丐妻 我活到了諸天盡頭 傾國皇后 影帝:我在電影抽技能 重生之名門嫡秀 大佬把我當成弟弟養 饕餮寶寶靠奶萌出圈啦 邪王驕寵:紈绔小王妃 召喚 亮劍:開局超神狙擊 凜與雪 我只是個龍套 傲嬌爹地不好哄 動物園聊天群 副市霸愛-撲倒重生妻 弱骨美人 穿越異世大陸之為我瘋狂 [紅樓+清穿]女主來自末世 枕邊美人 校霸的心機初戀 被迫嫁給霸總以后 穿成魔尊前世的白月光 穿越獸人之城 野鶴牧歌 [gb] 訓狗師(調教) 祈妖記 兒子,你才念小學,怎么成首富了 總裁離婚請簽字 且以情深赴余生宋向晚慕以深 瓦羅蘭大陸之歌 雙玩記(全) 全民御靈:開局超級進化 含桃(1v1)h 腦葉公司之化身異想體 鳳青瑤南宮絕 練假成真 遮天:始于神話末年 反派女配萬人迷修仙全靠系統躺贏 永璇日記 在逃公主的白月光 農門長姐黑錦鯉 蒼龍天醫陳風李佳佳 我們的啦啦隊畫風清奇 當以國士報君王 惡毒女配罷工日常 機甲原型 當紅黑雙方看到彈幕后 落花,有意 月下美人(NPH) 在相親節目上假戲真做了 痞妻 西游志 特種兵火鳳凰:浪漫與榮光 大明:凌遲?真相曝光朱元璋崩了 第五人格:守株待兔 長歌吟 鬼虐 我和頂流戀愛了 蕭晨是什么 原神:首席執行官的我叛逃至冬 抱錯?假千金靠玄學帶全家爆紅了 和四個仇敵流落荒島 GL 熱戀歸航 隨機種植系統 孽徒!別悟了 云上小農場 和宿敵談戀愛后,太香了 老公,愛我好嗎? 農門福妻她腰纏萬貫 江寧林青竹的小說書名 我的店鋪連通各界 丑妻變身萬人迷,禁欲軍官醋飛了 上江首富 第一戰神方尋 墨爾本風停了嗎 淪陷 彎彎入我懷 俗套劇情