ses and bucket down on the table and tony sees that the bucket is in fact not full of champagne but full of ice.
※what, we*re going to sit in the cafeteria and get drunk?§
※yes,§ natasha says simply.
※pepper will murder you for taking that,§ tony says as she takes the bottle back from his hands and cracks it open, pouring three healthy measures of whiskey which clint drops ice into, the ice clinking and cracking with a familiar and soothing sound.
※pepper is the one who gave it to me,§ natasha says as she sets the bottle down and pushes a glass over towards tony with her fingers. ※i think she*d rather you be supervised through the self-destructive phase.§
clint lifts his own drink in a toast. ※i volunteered.§
despite himself, tony smiles, a weak twitch of his lips. ※so why is natasha here?§
※i*m supervising clint supervising you,§ she says with a perfectly straight face, and tony starts to laugh. he spans his hand over his eyes, thumb and fingertips on his temples as he tries to keep control of his already wobbly emotions. thankfully, the other two ignore it. either they*re being sensitive, or 每 more likely 每 they don*t want to deal with anything remotely emotional right now. whichever it is, tony is grateful.
※this is officially the most expensive thing i have ever put in my body,§ clint says like it*s an announcement, and tony looks up in time to see him neck his drink, the ice clinking softly against the glass. clint sucks in a breath, eyeing the bottle and frowning. ※aw, i can't tell the difference.§
※you need to work on your phrasing,§ tony remarks and then follows suit. natasha just smiles at them, sipping at her own drink in an altogether more dignified fashion.
※and steve drank eight bottles of this stuff?§
※one of the more impressive things i*ve seen him do,§ tony says as clint pours two more drinks.
※more impressive than the throw he did that took out eleven aim grunts?§ clint grins crookedly. ※or the thing with the fire hydrant?§
※that wasn*t impressive, that was moronic and cost me a small fortune to fix,§ tony grouches, and his chest is tight and his stomach rolling and he aches to be back with steve, to have him in sight and within touching distance.
※but it was inte gold,§ clint sighs, knocking back his second drink without pause. ※but then again, nearly everything steve does seems to be inte gold, whether he means for it to be or not.§
※he loves the inte,§ tony says absent-mindedly, staring at the ice in the bottom of his glass.
※erm, we*re both talking about steve man-out-of-time rogers, right?§ clint asks sceptically.
※yeah, i mean he hated it at first. but he hated everything at first,§ tony says, and natasha hides a smile in her glass. ※too bright, too flashy, too in his face. too unnecessary, from his point of view. but yeah, he wasplaining about not getting something and i threw a starkpad at him and said to google it.§
※you taught him how to google.§
※he taught himself how to google.§
clint snorts. ※did you turn safesearch off?§
※christ, no. i*m not a maniac.§
本章未完,點擊下一頁繼續閱讀書友正在讀: 竊香 報告王爺,王妃要爬墻 [綜英美]法師韋恩 你嘗起來好甜明桃 跑酷巨星 魅王寵妻:鬼醫紈绔妃 重生之侯門嫡妻 重生之異能狂妻 巨星從頂流偶像開始 驚!假千金是流落異國的公主 夢幻西游之我能看見屬性 我靠美食直播建城立國養幼崽 我的神秘老公白雅顧凌擎蘇桀然 法老的寵妃 絕世名星 陷地之城 無限穿越之諸天劍帝 不是吧?童養婿竟是戰神 暴君與惡犬【CP完結】 穿成心機白蓮花[穿書] [紅樓]天上掉下個林哥哥 籽籽和阿御的一些小故事 葉族女凰 同桌的誘惑 魔教妖女x正道少俠 花巾淚 誅仙風流后宮之小凡重生 神話復蘇:開局九個絕色師姐 繼承農場后我火出圈了 廢物徒弟總是會錯意 宮斗一生推 命運之歌 穿回現代給古人直播 孤山劍 狐惑 四季冬夏:精英律師的軟肋 打工狗勾只想吃咒靈 山澗閑農 大漢無恥之徒 齊神在暗黑本丸的災難 [穿書]我的徒弟都在饞我身子 超絕英豪蘇陽龍雨馨 從艾歐尼亞開始崛起 強娶嫡女:陰毒丑妃 王爺,你就從了我吧 琳瑯姝色 王爺,別這樣:逃愛王妃 七零隨軍日常 影帝身軟會開花 誤惹 旁人栽樹我乘涼 羊毛 五條小姐總在拯救世界 借錢節目中,我首富身份被曝光 惡魔總裁別過來 合約到期,金絲雀她不伺候了 溫珊珊傅亦川 編推女配的自我修養 三世孽緣 我在大唐封王的那些年 三百六十種夫君 運營竟在我身邊[極狐Geats] 家妓(NPH,高H,古言) 余化龍馮千月 楚喬傳:小包子,宇文懷! 火影之骨魔天下 咬一口春色 魅上邪君 [網配]能不能好好唱歌 戰神狂妃:病嬌皇叔三歲半 攻略反派的白蓮花又軟又茶 鉆石星辰傳說 魔門少主,手下魔女都是叛徒 我在海上橫行霸道 夫君每天都想奪舍我 危險的男人(H/NTR) 淮陰侯她準備發癲 虐完我后,總裁死纏爛打求覆合 我靠荒野求生直播風靡全星際 絕世神醫妃楚云苓蕭壁城 重生之白給by毛肚好吃 神醫狂妃:邪王的心尖寵妻 穿書后我攻略了反派boss 假死后成了皇帝的白月光 驚世棄少江北辰王雪舞 錢我是拒絕的陳平江婉 浮沙 心聲罵醒戀愛腦女配后的我躺贏了 男明sing和他的鏟屎官 沙明璨與瑪麗亞 加點修行:從清明夢開始 渣男改造日常[快穿] 婚癢,我的遲先生! 重生之反派逆襲指南 仙路明珠 玄學真人秀 [無限] (快穿)宋司命的N種死法 超級異能眼 愛在深處情亦在 趕山1985 修仙:我有金蓮得機緣 醫術助我拿下狂傲夫君 私藏心跳 我在現實肝經驗 真千金她隱婚后暴富爆紅 山不在高有仙則靈 迷途羔羊 八零軍婚小辣媳,前夫小叔寵不停 [穿書]高調隱婚+番外 by 陸見溪(6) 我有一冊長生錄 我,宇智波悠,一心修仙 我把修仙界上交給國家 云翻雨覆 致命偏寵有聲 樊籠(GL) 春夢攻略他們很不正常(NPH) 系統請排隊 農家子日常 不乖 眷星 神墓中走出的強者 祁少你的寵妻額度已超限 年代:從陜北窯洞開始 忠犬侍衛要上位 從斗羅開始掠奪 這女主角我不當了 和豪門大反派老公一起吃瓜爆紅 鑄就無上仙秦:朕的兒女都有外掛 曝光十大高維度世界 我靠抽卡顛倒眾生[快穿] 馬甲成真全靠他們腦補【完結番外】 補習班姻緣 出軌 黑蓮花師尊他拒絕成仙 豪門女配就要為所欲為 [綜英美]快遞小哥是韋恩 家兄孔宣 沖鴨!小草莓 原著誤我簡介 娶狐妻,馭百鬼 奶娘 鈴兒響叮當 諸天:一切從拜師九叔開始! 我能遛你的哈基米嗎 剖腹慘死后,攝政王妃權傾朝野 民俗:嬰兒開局,娘親脫下畫皮 長生 喜歡我,好不好 神話:靈性支配者 邪惡之眼今天也楚楚可愛