a painful beach adventure
marguerite looked forward to her first trip to the pacific ocean. although she was an avid swimmer, she had no experience with the ocean, so she was eagerly anticipating the relaxation and sunbathing on the sand.
amazingly, she learned that one of her classmates--a girl named amelia--was heading to the same california beach that week and would be staying in a hotel about a block (n. 街區) away. they promised to look for each other along the beach, and maybe get together with their parents for lunch one afternoon.
after a tiring drive in a rather small car, marguerite and her family arrived at the beach in california. everyone was excited, people were running around, flying kites, and even fishing, because the weather was perfect. finally, a california ocean vacation.
marguerite stepped into the water, amazed that it wasn\'t freezing cold, and surveyed the ocean around her. the waves were ing in low and not too fast, and marguerite could see the ocean floor through two feet of water. it was as beautiful as she had imagined.
marguerite decided to wade a bit deeper, feeling the warm pacific water reach up to her belly button. she was cautions about venturing out too far, because she knew she was inexperienced with enough water. she also knew her parents would worry. after walking a few more steps, margeurite suddenly felt a tremendous pain in her left leg. she yelped and started swimming to shore, trying to grip her leg with one hand to lessen the pain.
marguerite made it to the shore, but the pain was getting worse. when she inspected her leg, she observed that her left calf (n. 小腿) was turning red. the area that was stinging felt like she had run directly into a thon bush. maguerite assumed she had a jellyfish sting, which was something she had heard about but had never imagined would happen to her. the pain wasn\'t going away, so she started to yell for her parents, but to her plete surprise, there stood amelia.
\”wow, marguerite, what\'s the matter\” asked amelia, wiping sunscreen off her hands using a towel draped around her shoulders.
\”i think i\'ve been stung by a jellyfish,\” marguerite groaned unhappily, showing her friend the red, swollen area on her calf.
\”okay, marguerite, you\'re going to be all right. we\'ve been ing to this beach for a long time, and my brother\'s been stung before. i know what to do. hold on, i\'ll be right back.\”
amelia ran back up the beach towards a group of people--most likely her family--sitting on towels spread across the sand. she quickly bounded back down to where marguerite waited near the water\'s edge, carrying what appeared to be a bottle of vinegar. \”what are you going to do with that\” asked marguerite, and then trying to keep her spirits up, added jokingly, \”i\'m not a salad!\”
\”just have some confidence in me,\” responded amelia with smile, and she began pouring vinegar over the red, irritated area on marguerite\'s leg. marguerite expected to feel a horrific burning sensation, but the horrible stinging subsided and changed into a dull throb.
\”let\'s get you up to your parents, and then we\'ll head inside. we can finish dealing with the injury there. can you walk okay\” asked amelia.
\”i think so,\” marguerite replied hesitantly, and she carefully got up to tag along behind amelia.
back inside their hotel room, marguerite\'s parents helped her to the couch while amelia went into the kitchen to gather up supplies to trat the burn. amelia returned with a bucket of hot water and antibacterial ointment, which she applied to marguerite\'s jellyfish sting.
\”boy,\” said marguerite, \”i can\'t think of a better time i could have run into you! i definitely wasn\'t prepared for an encounter with a california beach jellyfish!\”
1. who is the protagonist what was the conflict and resolution
2. what is the main setting of the story, and what role does it play
3. if amelia had not been at the beach, how would the oute of the story have been different
4. do you think this is a realistic story
5. even though she is in a lot of pain, why does marguerite try to make a joke
6. what is the most likely reason amelia\'s family has a bottle of vinegar with them at the beach
a. they are having a picnic, and they brought vinegar with them for salads.
b. they were using the vinegar as a type of natural sunscreen.
c. an open container of vinegar keeps away sand fleas.
d. they bring vinegar with them in case someone gets stung by a jellyfish.
書友正在讀: 大唐:開局迎娶長樂公主 穿越七零我靠宇宙商城發家致富 諸天大佬聊天室 老板,咖啡加點糖?+番外 超能調查局!嫌疑神請配合 從今天開始做掌門 我的大腦里有門 回檔少年時 莫求仙緣 盜墓:開局魔化麒麟紋身 夫人總想氣我 我非癡愚實乃純良 向往的生活之我是藥神 沙丘 逆天丹帝 深宮有朵黑蓮花 綜漫之金錢萬歲 我真不想當女主角 校園愛情錄 妹子請自重 胎穿九歲小嬌嬌顏稻花蕭燁陽 被正派仙尊擄走后(重生) 來自病嬌反派的強制寵愛〔ABO〕 美漫從提問鋼鐵俠開始 漫威之開局寫輪眼 玄幻:系統逼我當反派 爺,夫人的朋友不是人 蘇安寧霍修瑾 我在逃荒路上當地主 土豪粉馬甲掉了 斗羅之造梗抽獎系統 唐俠 我靠嗑CP爆紅娛樂圈 穿書穿到了小說里的一千年前 絕路突圍 [圣斗士同人]哎呀,女王大人 國運:扮演菠蘿吹雪,老婆白月魁 老公是偏執狂,得哄 亂世禍妃 快穿之惡女洗白攻略 他悄悄地親吻過顧冉蘇南 棄妃在上,紅牌王爺請下場 穿越之男妻當家 我,監考諸天,考哭百萬主角 劍光橫雪玉龍寒 總有人腦補我的馬甲們針鋒相對 魔女與忠仆【西幻1v1】 被迫成為全星際的吉祥物 交換身體器官系統 狠角兒(NPH) 朕的刑部侍郎(1v1) 棄婦 星際時空之回歸任務 唯愛(gl) 青云之志 末世穿古的孩紙乃傷不起 驕陽映雪[刑偵] 攝政王竟是我小師叔(重生) 末世之攻下那只喪尸 戀愛寫真 好女多逑 斗羅之海神降臨 [佐鳴] 噬骨 神醫毒妃:暴君掌心嬌 我的男媳婦 我穿成了團寵小神醫 時間之主 再世藏寶 [hp]游戲玩家穿越原著可以為所欲為嘛 靈者 大叔,你家小朋友是捉鬼大佬 花都風流邪少王平香蘭 真少爺以為自己是萬人嫌 半生執念,一生所愛 四海烽煙錄 快穿之渣攻原配真難當 單程 喜榮華 御獸修仙錄 紙花店秘錄 替嫁嬌妻甜又颯 循環播放 碰瓷gl 全國都在跪求我給病嬌皇帝生崽崽 甲方真是我爸爸 從狐妖開始的神話大羅 鐵血大唐 盛世神侯妃 透視醫圣林奇 桃花村里的那些風流韻事 參加游戲后懷疑自己的算命水平呢 被渣后我和渣攻結婚了 反派對我情深入骨 小城秋色 我只是受了點傷 皇后是朕表哥 蘇玥and公公蘇玥馬強馬老二 重生之繼父 重活1979 末世重生之空間在手 我靠抽卡無限續命(快穿) 獻祭99次的我無敵了 大佬他修無情道 重生狂妻要離婚溫寧姜楚寒 【ABO】槐花香 網癮少年劉禪之崛起 聯姻后豪門大佬寵愛我 [穿越劍三]叫我女王大人 長津湖之亮劍就變強 慕晚安顧南城 長安有妖氣 快穿之七月半 八零軍婚小辣媳,前夫小叔寵不停 害羞的小草_小草也“害羞” 一世權謀 總裁的出逃情人 美人如畫 渡劫失敗,炮灰拐跑天劫[重生] 飼寵成妻 異世風流種 謝容清蕭豐衍 小嗲精持證營業[娛樂圈] 玫瑰戀人 主角攻他不想和我離婚了【穿書】 雙傀記 醉酒后我在直播間對室友表白了 H爽文流 沙雕霸總的千層套路 將軍家的小嬌娘 緋色婚戀:愛你在對的時光 碧血銀槍(三國) 寧小茶趙征太子殿下今天破戒了嗎 星際小鎮系統 鳳時春 洪荒:徒弟,求求你出關吧! 我在古代行醫 美女總裁的龍血保鏢 江北辰王雪舞 第一縷曙光 嫡女謀,本宮霸氣側漏 末世重生之一家親 相醫為命 越歌起(雙潔1v1高h) 護國戰狼林羽 年代文對照組女配高嫁了 我的清風明月 大女子主義[女尊] 廠公和我一起穿回來了 聽說你也喜歡送[電競] 師姐她總是沈默寡言